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  • #16
    I made Maximan so mad he climbed over Miles, left the table at the restraunt and he went back to his room. We were talking tires.
    Next time, talk praise about our current president and also how we need gun control. It will save him the time of having to sit down first and climb over poor little defenseless Miles.

    He is passionate about many things, but he really does have a big heart.

    Try your hardest to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.

    You can live to be 100, as long as you give up everything that would make you want to live to be 100!

    Current bikes:
    '06 Suzuki DR650
    *'82 XJ1100 with the 1179 kit. "Mad Maxim"
    '82 XJ1100 Completely stock fixer-upper
    '82 XJ1100 Bagger fixer-upper
    '82 XJ1100 Motor/frame and lots of boxes of parts
    '82 XJ1100 Parts bike
    '81 XS1100 Special
    '81 YZ250
    '80 XS850 Special
    '80 XR100
    *Crashed/Totalled, still own


    • #17
      "Emotional debates"

      He is passionate about many things, but he really does have a big heart.
      People who argue "from the heart" and not from the head...
      present targets that I just can't pass up.
      "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


      • #18
        People who argue "from the heart" and not from the head...
        present targets that I just can't pass up.
        Yeah Prom, just cuz you need a new one....
        There are easier ways to find them, I just have NOT figured out the formula as of yet.
        Maximan IS very vocal on subjects, and like one of my sisters needs to be kept on a leash. He IS at his worse when the better half isn't around to keep him in control! But as you said, Tod, He DOES have a big heart, and really does try the best he can. We ALL have our "weak" points. We just need to understand this, and keep civil when buttons get pushed.(especially the "LAUNCH" button!!)
        Ray Matteis
        XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
        XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!


        • #19
          Hey, I like Maximan personally, rode from Colorado to Nevada with him. He just doesn't know when to quit on a bad, really.

          As for govt / corp lying, anyone remember the book Nation of Sheep? (William J. Lederer (C) 1961 , or the more recent "A Nation Of Sheep" by Judge Andrew Napolitano, 2007) Easier to get people to hate/fear than to do anything else. Same applies to most religions I have encountered; you will go to hell if you don't worship or worship in our manner, etc. Fear is effective in manipulating human behaviour.

          Death toll from 9/11:

          2,740 Americans died in the September 11 attack.
          As of June 2004, the official death count is listed as 2,976

          We constantly hear that "3,000 Americans died" in the attack. Not true of course, but easier to round up the number and not remind people that several hundred non-Americans also died in NY that day.

          Having grown up in the Vietnam War era, I am constantly surprised on how easy it is for politicians and others to manipulate opinion; you would have thought that we, as citizens, would have learned how to question what is presented to us by now.

          I suggest anyone really interested in government misinformation read either or both of the books I mentioned above.
          Jerry Fields
          '82 XJ 'Sojourn'
          '06 Concours
          My Galleries Page.
          My Blog Page.
          "... life is just a honky-tonk show." Cherry Poppin' Daddy Strut


          • #20
            OK, So I can be educated or at least understand what is being stated here, does anyone question that people that were not citizens of the untited states drove these planes into the buildings? WTC Towers 1 and 2, and the pentagon?

            Is there a question or belief that our government planned these attacks? or supported them?

            Just what is the "conspiracy" that is being proported here? The war in Iraq to me has always been a separate issue from 9-11. We went in because we did not like Sad dam insane, and so we took him out. From what I can tell, the people of that country were just about all very happy about it and that is from speaking to citizens of Iraq current and former. So we only helped them to accomplish what some seem to think needs to happen here if i am interpreting the intent properly.

            I guess I am a sheep or something dummer as I don't see what is being questioned, the attacks, or the war that has followed.
            Life is what happens while your planning everything else!

            When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.

            81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
            80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection

            Previously owned
            93 GSX600F
            80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
            81 XS1100 Special
            81 CB750 C
            80 CB750 C
            78 XS750


            • #21
              I for 1, don't belive our government was involved in the attacks. However, I would like to point out that the US has meddled in this area before; Sadam Hussein got his poison gas from the US as well as the helicopters used to distribute it.

              In Iran, the US overthrew the government and installed/supported the Shaw of Iran against the wishes of the people. Couple this with the US support of Saddam Hussein in the late '80s and early '90s (Regan time) against iran, and it isn't hard to see why we are not universally loved for our foreign policy.

              What we were told: The fanatics don't like our lifestyle. While this may be true, the reason for the attacks came about as a result of failed foreign policy, not lifestyle dislike. However, easier for our govt to paint the US as the victim instead of facing the fact that our actions across the Muslim world, for decades, has pissed off a lot of people. We reaped what we sow...military action against a foreign country. The attack was no surprise.

              For example, here is an excerpt about the US shipping materials to Saddam Hussein in the late '80s:

              Howard Teicher, an Iraq specialist in the Reagan White House, testified in a 1995 affidavit that the then CIA director, William Casey, used a Chilean firm, Cardoen, to send cluster bombs to use against Iran's "human wave" attacks.

              A 1994 congressional inquiry also found that dozens of biological agents, including various strains of anthrax, had been shipped to Iraq by US companies, under licence from the commerce department.

              Furthermore, in 1988, the Dow Chemical company sold $1.5m-worth (£930,000) of pesticides to Iraq despite suspicions they would be used for chemical warfare.
              Anyway, I digress....but the point is that most US citizens don't know or care about the effects of our foreign policy, that the US can be as dirty as any other government in the world to achieve its political ends, and that - somehow - we are the victims of unjustified hatered of radical Muslims. it plays well, but is far from the truth. If there is a conspiracy, it is that our government doesn't want citizen scrutiny of foreign policy, and perpetuates the idea that as a democracy (we are actually a democratic republic) anything we do must be OK, kind of like the Pope, since democracy is "God's Gift" to the world. How can you argue with a leader who claims he is carrying out God's will?

              No, the conspiricy is not that our government toopk part in the attacks, but used them to further other political agendas at the expense of truth and civil liberties under the guise of "protecting" us against another 9/11. In the meantime, those angry Muslims are still out there.
              Jerry Fields
              '82 XJ 'Sojourn'
              '06 Concours
              My Galleries Page.
              My Blog Page.
              "... life is just a honky-tonk show." Cherry Poppin' Daddy Strut


              • #22
                I for 1, don't belive our government was involved in the attacks.
                Sadly, Jerry... my research has pointed me to forming other conclusions.

                Hey, I mean... it'd be nice if it hadn't... but I don't form my opinions by "what would be nice".

                Everyone makes their own reality... lives where they're most comfortable. What people chose to believe.. is based upon what they can accept.

                Since most people don't lie... they have a hard time accepting that other people can, and do.

                Most people wouldn't commit horrendous acts to further their own aims... but there's a lot of people who would.
                If people can believe that some guy named bin Laden carried out this act to further his goals... why is it so hard to believe that our govt. couldn't or wouldn't do the same thing?
                Blind faith... sort of what keeps religion goin'.
                "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                • #23
                  Originally posted by prometheus578 View Post
                  "I'm gonna approach this subject with an open mind. Can you point me in the direction of a good site which backs up some of what you're saying. I'll take the time to read everything there and then give you my honest appraisal of what I think."
                  Pardon my quoting form a separate but related thread. I'm interested, help me become educated.


                  Well, I certainly do not think our government is above what is truly human nature. The ability to rationalize anything and make it ok because we did it, we all do it every day to some extent. Some more than others, some to a much larger extent, but we all do it. What I do believe is that even what we think we know probably does not scratch the surface of what is, in these matters and others. so perhaps there is even more justifiable reasoning than we know about?
                  Last edited by DGXSER; 02-17-2009, 09:21 PM.
                  Life is what happens while your planning everything else!

                  When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.

                  81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
                  80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection

                  Previously owned
                  93 GSX600F
                  80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
                  81 XS1100 Special
                  81 CB750 C
                  80 CB750 C
                  78 XS750


                  • #24
                    DGXSER... sent ya a PM.
                    "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                    • #25
                      Thanks Prom. I have some reading to do.
                      Life is what happens while your planning everything else!

                      When your work speaks for itself, don't interrupt.

                      81 XS1100 Special - Humpty Dumpty
                      80 XS1100 Special - Project Resurrection

                      Previously owned
                      93 GSX600F
                      80 XS1100 Special - Ruby
                      81 XS1100 Special
                      81 CB750 C
                      80 CB750 C
                      78 XS750


                      • #26
                        I should stay outta this thread

                        but I won't! <laughing>

                        After the events of September 11th I had the time and the ability to follow what was happening, what had happened, what almost happened, what was going to happen, and what could happen. After less than two months the number of individuals and organizations pulling things straight out of their ASCII got staff.

                        Concerned but undeterred I used, tracked, and read anywhere from fifteen to sixty-thousand foreign and domestic news articles, personal contacts, and information archives per day, every day, for over two years, then cut back to a couple of hundred to a couple of thousand per day for the last five years.

                        Fortunately, the vast majority of what could have happened did not and the sights and sounds of people -- all people, everywhere on the planet -- that live, love, argue politics and conspiracy theories, fight and make up (or not): typical, normal, living, people being people on a living, habitable planet are a sight for my glad eyes and music to my happy ears. Now, today, most of the old links, contacts, and archives are gone or have changed significantly and aside from coating my ammo once a month with a fresh dollop of bacon grease it no longer concerns me in the slightest. Hail Obama! (Speel chucker recommends "Baa"....)

                        Thankfully, gratefully, ecstatically, I dropped all of it last year and wiped every computer and storage medium I own, then rinsed my eyes, flossed my ears, toweled my brain and I bought a used XS1100. Obviously, I missed a few spots whilst toweling off the old brain.

                        So, what do you think is the best motorcycle and what type of oil and tires should I use?


                        -- Scott

                        2004 ST1300A: No name... yet
                        1982 XJ1100J: "Baby" SS Brakes, '850 FD, ACCT
                        1980 XS1100G: "Columbo" SS Brakes, '850 FD, ACCT
                        1979 XS1100SF: "Bush" W.I.P.
                        1979 XS1100F: parts
                        2018 Heritage Softail Classic 117 FLHCS SE: "Nanuk" It's DEAD, it's not just resting. It is an EX cycle.


                        • #27
                          Thanks Scott,
                          I'm partial to the 79SF.....
                          Oil----Quaker State...
                          Tires--- those that hold air.....
                          RIP Whiskers (Shop Boss) 25+yrs

                          "It doesn't hurt until you find out no one is looking"

                          Everything on hold...


                          • #28
                            Oil and Tires

                            Originally posted by latexeses View Post
                            Thanks Scott,
                            I'm partial to the 79SF.....
                            Oil----Quaker State...
                            Tires--- those that hold air.....
                            I've been running that Valvoline 4T motorcycle oil. I'll be able to tell if it's good oil when I split the cases.

                            I've about worn out the new Metzler Lasertec I put on the rear a few thousand miles ago; have to get a new tire for summer. I have *no* idea how that happened.

                            Ain't life grand?


                            -- Scott

                            2004 ST1300A: No name... yet
                            1982 XJ1100J: "Baby" SS Brakes, '850 FD, ACCT
                            1980 XS1100G: "Columbo" SS Brakes, '850 FD, ACCT
                            1979 XS1100SF: "Bush" W.I.P.
                            1979 XS1100F: parts
                            2018 Heritage Softail Classic 117 FLHCS SE: "Nanuk" It's DEAD, it's not just resting. It is an EX cycle.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by DGXSER View Post
                              OK, So I can be educated or at least understand what is being stated here, does anyone question that people that were not citizens of the untited states drove these planes into the buildings? WTC Towers 1 and 2, and the pentagon?

                              Is there a question or belief that our government planned these attacks? or supported them?

                              Just what is the "conspiracy" that is being proported here? The war in Iraq to me has always been a separate issue from 9-11. We went in because we did not like Sad dam insane, and so we took him out. From what I can tell, the people of that country were just about all very happy about it and that is from speaking to citizens of Iraq current and former. So we only helped them to accomplish what some seem to think needs to happen here if i am interpreting the intent properly.

                              I guess I am a sheep or something dummer as I don't see what is being questioned, the attacks, or the war that has followed.

                              I'm going to answer your questions with a question of my own. Sorry.

                              If there were truly anything at all to the conspiracy accusations, wouldn't you think that Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Barrack Obama would have brought them up during the Presidential Elections back when McCain still looked like he had a chance?

                              I never heard one of them mention a single word about the possibility of the Republicans (Bush Administration) being behind any of it. It's not like any other personal attacks were off limits by the campaign teams for the Democrats.


                              currently own;
                              1980 Yamaha XS1100 SG
                              2009 Yamaha Star Raider


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by DJinNH View Post
                                I never heard one of them mention a single word about the possibility of the Republicans (Bush Administration) being behind any of it. It's not like any other personal attacks were off limits by the campaign teams for the Democrats.
                                The problem is that it has nothing to do with government groups or parties or religions. It the Knights Templar I tell ya'! They have had this all planned since the first Crusades! They even invented this country to give the "Westernized" world more of a launching platform for battles. That's gotta be it. I just know it!
                                1980 XS850SG - Sold
                                1981 XS1100LH Midnight Special (Sold) - purchased 9/29/08
                                Fully Vetterized and Dynojet Kit added, Heated Grips, Truck-Lite LED headlight, Accel Coils, Irridium plugs, TKAT Fork Brace, XS850LH Final Drive & Black SS Brake lines from Chacal.
                                Here's my web page devoted to my bike! XS/XJ User's Manuals there, and the XJ1100 Service Manual and both XS1100 Service manuals (free download!).

                                Whether you think you can, or you think you cannot - You're right.
                                -H. Ford

