I think I embarrased the kids last time I went to Wal-Mart to buy film for my 35mm and drop off 3 exposed rolls (got a deer in the headlight look from the clerk
). They popped for digital camera for my b-day. Having a few problems though, I can't find the auto wind feature for the film and the movie they sent with it won't work in my DVR.
I did find out the thing on my computer that I thought was a retractable cup holder is where the "movie" is suppose to go.
Also having trouble finding where to set the F-stops but soon as I watch the movie I am sure I will be enlightened.
I went to 3 different 7-11's and so far none of them stocked memory chips in the snack aisle but I did find the really hot Doritios, I will try HEB for the memory chips, they have a better selection.
