Well I copied and posted a story abour ATGATT(All The Gear All The Time)My sole reason for doing so is my concern for ALL of you.In no way am I preaching although it could be construed as such.What I find most dis-heartening is the lack of discussion.Its like this is taboo...it shouldn't be.Granted ATGATT is a personal choice and perhaps there are those that take offense to my posting this.I wonder how differnet you would feel if what happened to that poor young lady were to happen to you?Just because our bikes are three decades old doesnt mean we have to wear gear that was appropriate three decades ago.But again lacking the experience of crashing and burning those who advocate personal choices just have been darn lucky.Ok I am the devil's advocate...so lets hear the pros and cons.Or is it you all agree but feel guilty because you dont ride the way I advocate?
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Actually, I had just finished reading the aforementioned post thinking to myself "why must folks learn the hard way" I almost always wear boots, the only exception is the short rides while tuning. I always wear a helmet, Jacket and Gloves. and I always have some kind of glasses on under my lid, either sunglasses or safety glasses. I need a better jacket, I wear a uniform to work and the pants are less than substantial, so I need a solution for that, but for the most part, I do wear all the gear all the time, I just need some better gear for a few parts of my carcass. have a nice day and ride safeI am the Lorax, I speak for the Trees
'80 XS1100 SG (It's Evil, Wicked, Mean & Nasty)
'79 XS1100 F R (IL Barrachino)
'00 Suzuki Intruder 1400 (La Soccola)
'77 KZ400s (La Putana)
I am slipping...CRS
Ken you are correct...in fact I was part of that discussion...
When I saw that story I had to share it...as horrific as it was to read...I couldnt imagine what that poor kid went thru.Nonetheless one needs to be vigilant to be anything you desire...in this case as free from pain and injury as possible..
1980 XS650G Special-Two
1993 Honda ST1100
After sliding down the road for a short trip this fall, I have a new respect for the gear. Shortly after we had crossed into Arkansas we had discussed ditching the helmets. I decided to keep mine on for awhile. I was wearing jeans, boots, gloves, and jacket as well. I still distinctly remember the crunching sound as my helmet hit the pavement quite hard. Even though I wasn't going that fast when I went down, the result would have been much different and I am sure that a trip to the hospital would probably have been called for. As it was, just a cracked fairing, destroyed saddlebag (once again, sorry about that Russ), and a bruised ego. If people choose not to wear it, I am fine with that. To each his own.Harry
The voices in my head are giving me the silent treatment.
'79 Standard
'82 XJ1100
'84 FJ1100
Acta Non Verba
Well, I am not averse to wearing the gear, but to say I am ATGATT would be a lie.
There are times when I really enjoy the wind in my hair and just enjoying the ride. I also know that anytime I mount up, gear or no gear, it could be my last ride. It could happen anywhere I am not just the bike though. My work environment is a constant safety threat, driving a cage is a constant safety threat, and so is riding.
I read through the article you posted, and it seems to me that the operator in that situation has full responsibility. Riding fast enough that your passenger can't hold on because of the wind is completely unacceptable in my book. Gear or no gear, someone needs to loose their license, and probably spend a few years rooming with bubba in the straight bar inn.Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.
Ivan... a very good point indeed.One reason I disdain passengers is because of the heavy burden of responsibility placed upon me.The boyfriend was utterly responsible and did not take it seriously until after the fact.I agree that his actions were grossly negligent and that his license to ride should be revoked..or at least suspended.I'm not sure what state that was in...but regardless all new riders should be required to take and pass a mandatory MSF course to obtain their M/C endorsement.1980 XS650G Special-Two
1993 Honda ST1100
ATGATT would have helped the woman in the article for sure. My question is that as a passenger, what was she holding on to and how? From the way she describes the event, she wasn't holding on to any grab bar or rail.
Tragic story, no doubt. But the issue of just where and how a passenger should secure themselves on the bike.....hmmmm.
For myself I wear a full face helmet, full gloves, leather jacket (when it fits LOL), heavy jeans and touring boots. i put this gear on even if just going for a short run. Just as working on my own bike is a part of the biking experience so if "gearing up" in the protective clothing dept. I actually just bought a new biking jacket with all the built in body armor and modern materials. WOW .. this puppy is heavy even compared to my OLD leather. I can't wait to use it and know that if I go down .. or should I say WHEN I go down I have a far better chance of living and minimizing my injuries if I dress for the worst. Most experienced bikers will tell you that you don't dress for riding, you dress for falling!! There's no doubt that if I were to go down hard and loose a few months work I would be finished in a big way. That's likely the same for most of us. At my age going down hard without proper clothing would be a disaster to say the least.
I understand that we all like to do as we see fit and don't like to be told what we should or should not do, wear etc by the government or any one for that matter. I also think the same way by also thing that when one takes risks, one should bare the full responsibility for the out come that is the result of the risk we decide to take. In a nut shell I don't think any on my tax dollars should be spent covering the cost of extended medical care for some one who decided to go biking in their shorts, T shirt and flip flops and falls down or goes biking without a helmet and falls down, etc. If you go down and you have taken reasonable precautions to protect yourself... then your covered because S**T happens but you were as prepared as you could be when it hit the fan.
1978 XS1100E Modified
1978 XS500E
1979 XS1100F Restored
1980 XS1100 SG
1981 Suzuki GS1100
1983 Suzuki GS750S Katana
1983 Honda CB900 Custom
read the article today, though i think i've heard this before. a pastor friend of mine who rides has a daughter in a Nurse Practitioner program, and she had to do a massive report on motorcycle wreck injuries. doesn't mean i'm ATGATT, especially in the summer, but i definitely respect the risk you take. it's not worth it.79xs11f - ugly as sin after sitting in a garage for 12 years, but rumbles like the beast that it is.
Originally posted by madmax-im View PostIvan... a very good point indeed.One reason I disdain passengers is because of the heavy burden of responsibility placed upon me.The boyfriend was utterly responsible and did not take it seriously until after the fact.I agree that his actions were grossly negligent and that his license to ride should be revoked..or at least suspended.I'm not sure what state that was in...but regardless all new riders should be required to take and pass a mandatory MSF course to obtain their M/C endorsement.
In a nut shell I don't think any on my tax dollars should be spent covering the cost of extended medical care for some one who decided to go biking in their shorts, T shirt and flip flops and falls down or goes biking without a helmet and falls down, etc. If you go down and you have taken reasonable precautions to protect yourself... then your covered because S**T happens but you were as prepared as you could be when it hit the fan.Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.
This is a great topic I myself drove bikes 20 years ago and when I decided to get back into doing it the first thing I did was to take the safety course it was 3 days long and it was a great thing. I learned many things not just how to operate a bike but what you should wear and your responsibility when you agree to take a passenger with you. It is amazing how many people want to come for a ride with you on a bike and they seem just stunned when you say that’s fine BUT you must have a jacket boots etc before you are able to come for a ride cause if anything happens I sure don’t want that on my conscience if I kill someone cause I was too stupid to inform them on proper dress. My wife and daughter ride with me most of the time (one at a time though can’t get the wife to sit on the bars) and when the time came we all went out a bought the proper gear and we all know how expensive it is but we also know or should know that you won’t think that when you are sliding down a road on your ass. I myself always have all my stuff on no matter how hot it is out I get laughed at by some of my friends that I bike with but I feel a lot more comfortable all dressed
This video makes me cringe every time I see the girl fly off the back of the bike.
That's why I ride alone, then I'm only responsible for myself.Wrecked once, wouldn't touch a bike for 2 plus years, but couldn't shake the need to ride again. And the bike I got back on was my XS11. I took it slow and got to know what the bike was capable of doing before going all out. I wear my mesh jacket, jeans and steel toed boots year round, gloves are more of a winter or long ride kind of thing. Just sold my other mesh jacket to another guy last night and talked to him for awhile. He had only been riding for 3 months so I told him to be careful. He had a GSX750 for his first bike, I started out with a Kawasaki 305cc for my first street bike! But it's up to the person and I don't really like to lecture people.
1980 XS11 Special - chopped, dropped and OCTY is still installed- NOW IT'S FOR SALE! $1,800 OBO
Famous Myspace quote:
"Don't mess with TEXAS! It's not nice to pick on retards."
It's funny because I am from TEXAS!