Hey folks,
I was playing with my first IBM/BLUE machine in 1994, a Multimedia marvel 486SX/25 with an upgraded DX-50 math coprocessor chip, 16MBram, 500Mb HD!
This was after using a Commodore 64 and 128 since '86 IIRC!?
But getting my first shareware version of DOOM was a pivotal point in my PC gaming experience. SWMBO was a 'puter widow for months while I sat with the lights OUT, the stereo speakers turned up, and playing till 2am many weekend nights, then on to Doom2 and many custom WAD/levels!
But then a few years later, Apogee came out with DukeNukem3d, the irreverent FPS, with risque' content, quips and playing environments!
But alas, both were DOS based programs, requiring special sound cards....SoundBlaster to allow setting of both IRQ's and DMA's, etc.! With the advent of Windows 95, then 98, etc., and PCI sound cards, then Onboard sound with Windows environment controls/API's, the old DOS games could not be loaded, their setups couldn't find/recognize the newer soundcards, etc.!!
Several Years ago(13 to be exact
), a windows PORT for Doom was made.....Doom95, and I was able to enjoy the old school game again. A short while later, I had looked for a similar PORT for DukeNukem, but there wasn't any!?
SO...the discs sat on my shelf for years. Then we got a new employee where I work...I mostly work with women in the medical field, but this was another "GUY"! Started talking about "Stuff", and decided to check for a Windows Port for DukeNukem, and to my surprise not only did I find several, I also found a great Hi-Res Pack. Also found some other utilities to let me use my add on pak...Duke in DC.
I've played newer games, Quake, Half-Life, TombRaider, HALO, etc., but there's just something about the Macho/shauvinistic way that Duke gets things done that I enjoy!
So...Just wanted to let others know that IF you liked playing Duke, but haven't in years/decades due to just having the DOS only version, I highly suggest and recommend getting the Hi-Res Pack and Eduke32 Port!

http://hrp.duke4.net/ Hi Res Pak Site!
I was playing with my first IBM/BLUE machine in 1994, a Multimedia marvel 486SX/25 with an upgraded DX-50 math coprocessor chip, 16MBram, 500Mb HD!

But getting my first shareware version of DOOM was a pivotal point in my PC gaming experience. SWMBO was a 'puter widow for months while I sat with the lights OUT, the stereo speakers turned up, and playing till 2am many weekend nights, then on to Doom2 and many custom WAD/levels!
But then a few years later, Apogee came out with DukeNukem3d, the irreverent FPS, with risque' content, quips and playing environments!
But alas, both were DOS based programs, requiring special sound cards....SoundBlaster to allow setting of both IRQ's and DMA's, etc.! With the advent of Windows 95, then 98, etc., and PCI sound cards, then Onboard sound with Windows environment controls/API's, the old DOS games could not be loaded, their setups couldn't find/recognize the newer soundcards, etc.!!

Several Years ago(13 to be exact

SO...the discs sat on my shelf for years. Then we got a new employee where I work...I mostly work with women in the medical field, but this was another "GUY"! Started talking about "Stuff", and decided to check for a Windows Port for DukeNukem, and to my surprise not only did I find several, I also found a great Hi-Res Pack. Also found some other utilities to let me use my add on pak...Duke in DC.
I've played newer games, Quake, Half-Life, TombRaider, HALO, etc., but there's just something about the Macho/shauvinistic way that Duke gets things done that I enjoy!

So...Just wanted to let others know that IF you liked playing Duke, but haven't in years/decades due to just having the DOS only version, I highly suggest and recommend getting the Hi-Res Pack and Eduke32 Port!

http://hrp.duke4.net/ Hi Res Pak Site!