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Better bailout plan

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SiP
    here in Alberta Canada a couple of years ago - every man woman and child with a registered address in the province got $400 tax free. That's 'cos Alberta is doing so well from all the oil and gas and had a surplus, as opposed to a bail out - but my point is, it's very achievable and does a huge amount to the moral of the people and hence the support for the federal authority.
    Same thing in Alaska. Its called the Permanent Fund Dividend. Every resident in Alaska gets a check every year from the profits the state makes. Dad lives there and says it is about $1200. It would be nice if the Feds would get their heads out of their pockets and get this country turning a profit.
    Ich habe dich nicht gefragt.


    • #17
      Aww damnit I was gettin ready to move south till Dick's plan got shot down.


      • #18
        Here we are in the midst of the greatest financial crisis to face this nation, the bailout plan was defeated. McCain said he was suspending his campaign until a plan was voted in. Now it's tuesday. The dow dropped 777 points on Monday. Now the house is adjourned until Thursday for a Jewish holiday? In the midst of the greatest financial crisis in this country they take a break for a Jewish holiday?

        It don't take no rocket scientist to figure out who runs this country...
        My 1978


        • #19
          That blows me away too.. Something bad going down that needs attention so they go on a vacation.. typical
          XS1100 F/G (79 Bike/80 Motor)
          Grab a tetanus shot and jump on!!!


          • #20
            I am personally glad the plan did not pass. It would be like bailing out a sunken ship or putting oil into an engine that burns a quart a week. Yes, the economy is suffering. Yes, something needs to be done. No, throwing 700 big ones at financial institutions that failed is not the correct answer.
            United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
            If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
            "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
            "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
            Acta Non Verba


            • #21
              I heard on the news that if something is not resolved it is likely that a number of companies will not be able to meet their payroll. I really don't know very much about this kind of thing but I do know about not meeting payroll. I sure hope that someone a lot smarter than I can fix it. Do I think that person is to be found in politics not very likely.


              • #22
                Are there no lamp posts in the USA's financial & political districts?
                Is there no rope?
                Fred Hill, S'toon
                XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
                "The Flying Pumpkin"


                • #23
                  Come on, Fred....
                  These same people, are the ones that also own the lamp posts and all the ropes, too.
                  They're quite smart when they plan these things.
                  "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                  • #24
                    I am with Fred on this one I think a couple of public hangings would tend to discourage those that caused this.


                    • #25
                      I think there should be something in place to punish the senate and congress If they do not do their jobs. Instead of full grown babies bruising each others fragile ego's and throwing tantrums.. just do what needs to be done to SERVE the PEOPLE that you represent or you get prosectuted somehow. Mabye treason, yeah.. you betrayed your own country by not doing what is in our best interest and ACTUALLY DOING it, instead leaving a house fire because its some religions holiday. I dont like the buyout thing either but nothing gets done when you do nothing. (go figure).

                      Its an insulting slap in the face everytime either of the pres candidates or any of the congress or senate people say this line about how "we need to meet in the isle and work together" and you know damn well that they just wont do it because you dont like this person or that for whatever reason so instead just have the same old standoff.

                      Anyone ever work with someone they dont like?? sure, ya grin and bear it and get the job done. I guess common sense goes away when you get up high enough in the crap storm.

                      Jeese its like it takes an act of congress to get anything done around here! (oh hmm yeah.. )
                      XS1100 F/G (79 Bike/80 Motor)
                      Grab a tetanus shot and jump on!!!


                      • #26
                        I am glad to that it was defeated first time around. They rushed to write it up with all their addons and pork! Not enough oversight where or to who the money would go to. Esentially they were going to hand over 700 billion to the exact same people who got us into this mess in the first place and let them figure it out??? LOL And the taxpayers would get stuck with the bill? Hopefully enough people are emailing their congressmen and senators and complaining about this that something will be done with responsibilty and accountability......something that has been lacking in Washington for at least the last 8yrs and has gotton us to where we are today...

                        I'm pretty sure congress and the senate are immune from prosecution....
                        My 1978

