I don't know when the last time was that I was this bummed out. Purchased a NOS tank for my SH from a ebay seller who had advertised it as for a 80 1100. Mine had been creamed by the PO and the coating is turning a dark color and has flaked off in one spot. Not wanting to have to clean that stuff out of the carbs I went looking for a new tank and thought I had found one. Price was OK and it arrived. Its a beautiful dark maroon color and the inside looks like the day it was built. Problem is that it is definitely not for a 1100. It dose not have the cutout to mount the level sensor and the shape isn't right when you compare it to the tank thats on the bike now which I know is OE. It doesn't have the indentations for clearance of the aft valve cover either. I looked at the Yamaha web site and it may be for a XS 650 but I can't be sure. I was hoping one of you could help identify it for me. I have sent email to the ebay seller asking him if he would accept a return and refund my $. Hope he dose the right thing. Here are some pictures. Any ideas would be great.
