So here comes this wild turkey walkin' across the road 300 feet or so in front of me. Now in my defense I was just trying to be nice, I don't like to startle wildlife. I think to my self "Self, you should honk at the turkey so he knows you're there and he will get out of the way."
I thought wrong!
He stops walking, and looks at me, and stands in the middle of the road. I honk a few more times. He cocks his head at me like, "You talkin to me punk?". I proceed to slow down some more and decide that honking may not be the best thing for me to do at this point in time. As I got closer I kept slowing down, and he wasn't moving. So I said to myself "Self, I think you're gonna lose this game of chicken with the turkey! Self, you better just go around!"
So I did, and as I passed him standing in the middle of the road, me in the right track and him near the double yellow, HE FLIES UP AND TRIES TO SPUR ME! Luckily he missed!
So I say to myself "Self, you shoulda kicked that turkey!"
I guess the moral of the story is that you shouldn't honk at turkeys because your horn might sound like a turkey call.
No animals were harmed during the production of this thread.
I thought wrong!
He stops walking, and looks at me, and stands in the middle of the road. I honk a few more times. He cocks his head at me like, "You talkin to me punk?". I proceed to slow down some more and decide that honking may not be the best thing for me to do at this point in time. As I got closer I kept slowing down, and he wasn't moving. So I said to myself "Self, I think you're gonna lose this game of chicken with the turkey! Self, you better just go around!"
So I did, and as I passed him standing in the middle of the road, me in the right track and him near the double yellow, HE FLIES UP AND TRIES TO SPUR ME! Luckily he missed!
So I say to myself "Self, you shoulda kicked that turkey!"
I guess the moral of the story is that you shouldn't honk at turkeys because your horn might sound like a turkey call.
No animals were harmed during the production of this thread.
