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  • #31
    "Both of you... go to your rooms and put your leg irons on!"

    (Hey, it used to work when my sons were younger.)

    Now, now, gentlemen....
    T'is human nature to jump to conclusions.
    That's why we have the phrase..."Jump to conclusions".
    Sometimes emotions over-ride our inner voice of reason.
    Due to our similarity here, we tend to view things personally.
    If my neighbor said, "Hey Prom, I took my "HUMMER" to the dealership and he ripped me off", I would reply, "Gee, that's too bad...(you snooty upstart.)
    Now, if my other neighbor said, "Prom, I took my motorcycle to a dealer and he ripped me off", the story turns a different page.
    I own motorcycles, I buy parts.. I go to dealerships...
    I'd be outraged... and would grab my pitchfork and join the other villagers forming a mob.
    We form our opinions the best we can, with what info is made available at the time. We also should not only judge this info, but also actively seek more... to ensure our thoughts are correct. Sadly, this is not always possable.
    And like I stated, there's the emotional "it could have been me" issue that also gets thrown into the equation.
    Nothing wrong with changing opinions based upon new data.
    I could go back and research the number of times that I jumped on the wrong bandwagon for one reason or another.
    (As a moderator, I don't worry about which bandwagon I'm on anymore... I just make everyone else play the songs I want to hear.)
    ... nothing wrong with changing one's mind as more information and reasoned opinion comes in.
    To stubbornly resist just to save face... is the act of a faceless coward.
    As for "trust"...
    I'd rather trust a man who admits that he was wrong, than to trust a man who knows he's wrong, and won't admit it.
    Points go to Madmax-im... for his public declaration.
    "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


    • #32
      I come to this site for help with my bike and to "talk" to people that have simular interests. As I remember it the beginning of this Members Lounge says "civil-toned "discusions. This hasn't been. Reading this thread is like going by a bad accident, you don't want to look, but you do. I have to wonder how many prospective new XSers have been turn off by this garbage. I don't know who is right or wrong and I don't give a D@@n! Take it somewhere else, like civil court or the Jerry Springer Show. That would be an apropriate form, this isn't. SO SHUT UP ALREADY!
      K&N's and drilled airbox
      Jardine 4in1
      Dunlop Elite 3's
      JBM slide diaphragms
      142.5 main jets
      45 pilot jets
      T.C.'s fusebox & SOFA
      750/850 FD mod.
      XV 920 Needle Mod.
      Mike's XS plastic floats set at 26mm
      Venture Cam Chain Tensioner


      • #33
        I was just unfairly attacking to make a point. Don't jump to conclusions there is always two sides to a story and somewhere in the middle is the truth. If you don't want to be judged on an internet forum then don't pass judgment.
        I hate signatures. Too many cars and Bikes to list here.


        • #34
          "Yes, good point, Tim..."

          ...but this is the "Member's Lounge"... an open forum for various topics and polite discourse.
          Nothing wrong with opinion and debate.
          Of course, it's always appreciated when things are kept civil.
          Yeah, this thread is heating up a little, but is still manageable.
          What have we learned so far...?
          One man's opinion about a bike shop.
          One man's opinion about a business partner.
          And one man's opinion about changing opinions.
          So.. now that we've all read the opinions of these members, I see no reason for them to add anything else on these subjects.
          Next topic, please.
          "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


          • #35
            Two sides and the truth is called a divorce

            Ok, you made your point, I hope it was worth it for you when you stop and honestly think about it. There have been a few places where this thread seemed to be winding down. Prom is right,next and better topic. I feel bad for everyone involved.
            K&N's and drilled airbox
            Jardine 4in1
            Dunlop Elite 3's
            JBM slide diaphragms
            142.5 main jets
            45 pilot jets
            T.C.'s fusebox & SOFA
            750/850 FD mod.
            XV 920 Needle Mod.
            Mike's XS plastic floats set at 26mm
            Venture Cam Chain Tensioner


            • #36
              This will be my last post on this subject!

              As posted by MadMax-im

              one more time
              I wasnt gonna say anything more but...I just wanted to publicly state my apology to Jim Horton.While I have yet to see any substantial proof of these alleged events...I nonetheless went off half cocked.No one wants to get ripped of so my comments abt picking you or anyone off at 200 yds was a bad choice of words on my part..So if you dont accept my apology..its understandable.This whole discussion should have been handled thru the back door and not the front...I have learned something from all is not a total waste.It is unfortunate that it comes at the expense of a friendship...
              As it was I had to change my plans anyway,but somehow it didnt come out the way it should have.I got caught up in the accusations and the apparent attempt to slight you by one individual.So for alowing myself to get sucked into this I am sorry.Thats all I have to say on this...time for this thread to go away.........................

              Ben, for the public apology, thank you. Apology accepted. As for this issue costing you a friendship, hasn't happened. Don't sweat it. As offered in our PM's to each other, you are still welcome to stay at our home if you come down in the future. That was and still is a standing offer.

              29, your attempt to continue this in a PM is wasted on me and probably others on here. You started this in the open, and now you want to keep it private. All I have to say on that is: This doesn't involve you, so shut up already!

              To those who have read this with an open and clear head, thanks!

              ENOUGH SAID!!!!!
              Jim Horton
              Myrtle Beach SC 29588


              • #37
                GET OFF IT!!!!!! This is a great motorcycle site. Noone cares about what your saying. Take it outside the room. I wish the moderater would ban you from the room. You are taking a problem that your haveing and ruining what the site is ment to be. Get a life......Go riding


                • #38
                  This thread should be......

                  1979 xs1100 Special -
                  Stock air box/K&N Filter, MAC 4-2 exhaust, Bad-Boy Air horn, TC fuse box, Windshield, Soft bags, Vetter Fairing, Blinkers->Run/Turn/Brake Lights, Headlight Modulator, hard wire GPS power

                  Short Stack - 1981 xs1100 Standard - lowered for SWMBO.

                  Originally posted by fredintoon
                  Goes like a train, corners like a cow, shifts like a Russian tractor, drinks like a fish, you are gonna love it.
                  My Bike:
                  [link is broken]


                  • #39
                    You know, 29, if there is any kind of case going on, you are blowing it for your friend by making it public like this. If nothing else, it is only making Vindicator look better.

                    This is between Vindicator and whomever the other party is. I would recommend two things to you, 1) Stay out of it and 2) Keep us out of it!

                    Prom, maybe at least locking this thread might be appropriate for it is becoming pointless, putting the into the thick of things where it doesn't want to be, and in general not conducive to the operations of the Forum....IOW, being used as a sounding board for one party's attack on another and serving as a disruption in the normal flow of the user's enjoyment of this facility.

                    Granted, the case can be made that we don't have to read it, therefore it shouldn't be a disruption. That, of course, is your option to figure out should you want to bother!
                    Richmond, RI
                    1980 XS1100G - "The Old Coot"

                    PREVIOUS RIDES
                    2005 Venture, 1993 Venture, 1983 Venture
                    1978 Gold Wing, 1983 Gold Wing
                    1975 CB500T, 1983 Husqvarna 250WR
                    1981 XL500, 1975 CB750K5
                    1981 CB900F, 1965 C200 (Honda 90)
                    1968 Powell Challenger (Hairy-Chested Mini-bike)


                    • #40
                      I AGREE!!!!!!!


                      • #41
                        Prom, please check your PM. Thanks
                        Jim Horton
                        Myrtle Beach SC 29588


                        • #42
                          Nothing I hate worse than closing a thread.

                          Maybe it's all my years spent in the army.
                          I feel that anything written once, should be able to stand as a historical record of events.
                          "No Colonel... I'm not gonna amend my official statement just 'cause you don't like what I've written."
                          This stubborn view of mine applied to duty logs... and I feel it also applies to what is written here.

                          I took two actions.
                          Firstly: I closed the thread. Usually, this action is done after a gathering of moderators to debate the issue and it's merits. Is it relevent to the XS11 members? Does it serve their interests, etc?
                          Sadly, this takes time.
                          A few moments ago I figured that this issue has gone too far, so I put an end to it.

                          Secondly: Regardless of what I wrote above, or because of it, I deleted several recent posts in this thread. This action I don't take lightly.
                          I felt what was written was of a confidential nature. More confidential than needed to be discussed or viewed here.
                          While pertinent to one side and that side's opinion, it's information would be of no practical value to anyone reading it here, (other than those directly involved) and may have violated confidentiality principles.

                          For the record, takes no side in this issue.
                          This is an open forum... and as such, members are allowed to post their opinions. This does not mean that shares, nor supports, those opinions.

                          My opinion?
                          While it's worthwhile to have threads such as, "Don't buy from this E Bay seller", "Dealership "X" ripped me off" or "Joe Snuffy in Arizona won't pay me for my parts", some threads go too far.
                          This thread started off as a member relating an experience with another member. That is within the rules here.
                          It just got ridden into the ground a bit too much for me to stomach.

                          Members who have bad experiences with a particular business, vender or another member are still free to post their personal thoughts here. This is viewed as a service to other members.

                          As always, when dealing with a business or someone that you don't really know... Exercise your better judgemant.

                          (I have kept a copy of the deleted correspondance, but I doubt anyone could provide me with enough justification to reopen it for public perusal.)
                          "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)

