Last night I was sitting at a red light. When it finally turned green I hesitated before entering the intersection. I normally give it a second or two to make sure that cross traffic is actually going to stop, and this time I am extremely glad that I did. Some woman was heading toward the intersection and while I was waiting she never even slowed down, just blasted right through the light.
Pausing at a light is a habit that I have been trying to practice since I began driving a truck and with the area that I work, light runners are a normal occurance. I know that some like to jump the light because the jerk next to you is giving you the chance to embarrass him. Had I jumped this time I would have been a hood ornament, and an ugly one at that, on a compact car. I just thought that I would share what could have been a bad experience.
Pausing at a light is a habit that I have been trying to practice since I began driving a truck and with the area that I work, light runners are a normal occurance. I know that some like to jump the light because the jerk next to you is giving you the chance to embarrass him. Had I jumped this time I would have been a hood ornament, and an ugly one at that, on a compact car. I just thought that I would share what could have been a bad experience.