Thought I'd start a good reading thread about wacky things that have happened while on the road...I'll start.
Buddy and I riding back to Cali from Minnesota and stopped in a small town in Nevada for coffee and rest. We were sitting on our bikes drinking our joe outside of a mini-mart at about 1 a.m. when 3 young guys came out of a casino at the end of the street. One of them was twirling his shirt around over his head a whooping and hollerin', obviously drunk. A police car that was sitting incognito down the other way flicked on the lights and sped toward the trio. They split up and the drunk kid went running right past us like a jackrabbit, I mean he was really moving. The police car swerved into the parking lot of the mini-mart and barely missed us and came to a screeching halt right beside us, almost going over the embankment behind us that led down to a trailer park. The cop jumps out of the car and yells after the kid, "YOU THINK I AIN'T GONNA CATCH YOU BOY?!", and takes off after him.
Well now 3 or 4 police cars are cruising the street looking for this kid. About 2 or 3 minutes go by and here comes the kid, from the other side of the street opposite from the way he was heading when he ran past us. The cop cars converged on him and they ended up catching him right in front of the mini-mart, slamming him to the ground and cuffing him. He was fighting all the time and laughing as if he was happy that he gave the cops a run for their money. After they put him in the car and they all left (they didn't even acknowledge our existence) my buddy turns to me and says "Time to Go" and we downed the rest of the coffe and took off.
I have other stories from that trip but I'll bow out and let the masses outdo me. Have fun!
Buddy and I riding back to Cali from Minnesota and stopped in a small town in Nevada for coffee and rest. We were sitting on our bikes drinking our joe outside of a mini-mart at about 1 a.m. when 3 young guys came out of a casino at the end of the street. One of them was twirling his shirt around over his head a whooping and hollerin', obviously drunk. A police car that was sitting incognito down the other way flicked on the lights and sped toward the trio. They split up and the drunk kid went running right past us like a jackrabbit, I mean he was really moving. The police car swerved into the parking lot of the mini-mart and barely missed us and came to a screeching halt right beside us, almost going over the embankment behind us that led down to a trailer park. The cop jumps out of the car and yells after the kid, "YOU THINK I AIN'T GONNA CATCH YOU BOY?!", and takes off after him.
Well now 3 or 4 police cars are cruising the street looking for this kid. About 2 or 3 minutes go by and here comes the kid, from the other side of the street opposite from the way he was heading when he ran past us. The cop cars converged on him and they ended up catching him right in front of the mini-mart, slamming him to the ground and cuffing him. He was fighting all the time and laughing as if he was happy that he gave the cops a run for their money. After they put him in the car and they all left (they didn't even acknowledge our existence) my buddy turns to me and says "Time to Go" and we downed the rest of the coffe and took off.
I have other stories from that trip but I'll bow out and let the masses outdo me. Have fun!
