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  • Salute!!

    Tonights drink is brought to you by the letters 'X' and 'S.' A little something SWMBO picked up for me a couple months ago. I forgot about it until I opened up the wine cabinet to do some work on my own wines (currently brewing; plum, cherry, apple, apple melgamel, blackberry, and dandelion).


    '81 XS1100 SH

    Melted to the ground during The Valley Fire

    Sep. 12th 2015


  • #2

    No Elderberry wine? You've got everything else!!

    When you whip up a batch of that, I'll be right over to try it out!!!
    80 XS1100G w/ Windjammer-the Witch
    79 XS1100F

    "Look Ma! No hands!...."


    • #3
      I can only brew what grows here. The hopeful (and optimistic) outlook for this year is more of the same plus maybe some new additions of huckleberry, and salmon berry.
      '81 XS1100 SH

      Melted to the ground during The Valley Fire

      Sep. 12th 2015



      • #4
        I can only brew

        Hmm... 81Vintner, so your wine making is with indehiscent fruit instead of vittis vinifera...

        drinking too much wine ....
        may cause you to thay shings like thish or you may think you can logically converse with members of the opposite sex without spitting and on those rare occasions that you thought you got lucky you roll over in the morning and see something really scary (whose species and/or name you can’t remember), can also create the illusion that you are tougher, handsomer and smarter than some really, really big guy in a blue suit with the initials P O L I C E on his hat .


        • #5

          Not being a wine drinker, however a little scotch, Irish, or "Jack" hits the spot from time to time, I often wondered what parts of the dandelion goes in dandelion wine. The little bit I saw as a boy had a clear cast to the liquid. My thoughts are that it is of the milkweed family and should have a milky color to it, but not having imbibed of the elixir, I do not know. I grow a good crop of dandelions in my yard every year, so?


          • #6
            I'll pass on the milk-weed

            Actually, you want to use just the yellow flowery parts. It is actually the hardest one to make because it requires SO MANY flowers and they all have to be picked on the same day.

            If you're really interested, check out Jack Keller's site. I also spend a little time on the Northern Brewer forum. It is a very fun hobby. In fact, I am surprised that I am not hung over today after all the "sampling" I did while bottling last night
            '81 XS1100 SH

            Melted to the ground during The Valley Fire

            Sep. 12th 2015


