While riding on the back of a male friends motorcycle we stopped to eat lunch. When we started to leave it had started raining a little. He proceeded to pull out a rainsuit from his motorcycle and start to put it on. When I said what about me, he laughed and said it was more important for the driver not to get wet for safety reasons. I can understand a closed face helmet would be safer than an open face helmet in the rain, but I do not understand why it is important for his clothes to stay dry while the female sat on the back and got soaking wet. Is it more important for the driver to be dry or was he just being a jerk.
No announcement yet.
motorcycle etiquette
Woman to woman...
It's a little of both.
It's hard enough to ride when the roads are wet, but if you've ever had rain pelting you in the face at 40+, you know what 'livin' is!! Every drop is a stinging little nasty that you want to avoid. With a passenger on the back, you're not just balancing yourself, but that person too. Depending on how well the passenger rides, it can become all you can do to back in one piece.
Now I didn't check your profile and you're new here, so I don't know how long you've been a passenger, how old you are, etc. So, considering that maybe all of this is new to you-bring your own stuff! Being a fashion statement be damned!(these days that's not a factor-all kind of water proof, safe clothing can be had that looks awesome! Even comes in pink!). If you plan on riding with anyone as the passenger-get your own 'RIG'. I have always had one, so as to avoid the 'jerk' factor you mentioned.
The other high point is when my HD riding darling wants to be 'cool' and we hit a rain storm-he looks like a drowned rat, and me, I'm fresh as a daisy!
It's really not a big investment-leather or mesh jacket, with liner; chaps or riding pants; gloves; helmet; glasses; boots; and a $8 WalMart 2-piece rainsuit in it's original pouch(You'll only use it once anyway)it will fit in a pocket.
Then YOU have the last laugh!!! MY favorite!
Good luck and welcome to the site!!80 XS1100G w/ Windjammer-the Witch
79 XS1100F
"Look Ma! No hands!...."
Giving the lady the rainsuit would have been a truly gallant gesture. However, if the bike doesn't have a windshield or fairing (and this is why it could be considered gallant), then the person in front will be getting hit with all the rain the bike is travelling through, while shielding the person behind to a degree. You'll get a little wet, but far less than what he'd be contending with. If it had a windshield and fairing, it'd be the fairing that would be getting mostly wet (I think). That would change the situation slightly.
Here's an article with a figure at the beginning illustrating the aerodynamics . (click on the word 'aerodynamics' to open the link) It actually looks pretty interesting because it explores motorcycle physics to a greater degree.
On the other hand, since you said that he laughed and then gave that answer, I'd believe that he just didn't want to get wet. Not many people laugh in response to that question before giving a good reason. So despite there being a reason for it, yes, he was being a jerk. Just my opinion here; take it or leave it. ...And welcome to the site!Last edited by Erik the Red; 06-27-2008, 08:45 AM.-Do what makes you happy.
'79 Honda CB 750 K (2)
'78 XS 11 E - "Rhona"
...and a 2nd E, for the goodies on it.
The jerk was right
Hi Mystic and welcome,
thing is, the person in front gets most of the rain plus they have to operate the bike while all the pillion rider has to do is sit there and not fall off. So if there's only one rainsuit, the rider gets it for good safety reasons. That said, a true gentleman would have made a sensible attempt to arrange a dry ride home for you rather than laughing in your face. Dump the jerk.Fred Hill, S'toon
XS11SG with Spirit of America sidecar
"The Flying Pumpkin"
Thank you for your input. I have never driven a motorcycle just on one as a passenger. I'm new to this since I'm in my 50's and have not been on the back of one since my 30's. You mentioned cold and wet. Not the case, I live in Alabama and it was about 90 and we were only about a mile from home. And I exaggerated a little about soaking wet ( when we got home I didn't even have to change clothes) And Erik he did have a windsheild. But I'll respect your opinions, and not give him a hard time. Next time I will have my own. Thank you.BAT
81XJ550 maxim
09 Honda Rebel
War Eagle
I call jerk!
I would have, 1. Made sure there was a rain suit for you. 2. Given you mine and suffered quietly up front. 3. Waited the rainstorm out in a coffee shop with you. 4. Sent you home in a taxi and then stopped by to make sure were got there safe and sound.
5. Made sure at the very least that you didn't mind getting wet and assured you I would get you out of those wet clothes ASAP!
Good female passengers are hard to find! He may have found that out already the hard way!
That's just my opinion.
1983 XJ1100 Maxim
1979 XS1100 Standard
1980 XS1100 Special
I'm not a motorcycle mechanic but I play one on the internet.
Lots of different opinions on this one...
like Carolyn, I think it depends on the circumstances... and could be a bit of both...
Having ridden as a passenger and as a primary in the rain... it isn't necessarily fun in either spot... It really sucks when you're the passenger... but it's very distracting when you're the primary... and that becomes a safety issue....
Considering your circumstances... I think he was kind of a jerk for laughing at you... but then it goes into... how was he laughing at you? knowing that you were only a mile from home and that you wouldn't get very wet? but if he knew you weren't going to get very wet... why would he bother to put on a rainsuit? I mean... he shouldn't get very wet either... then... not only do I think he's a jerk... but also rather lacks in manhood...
I don't know really... so wouldn't venture to guess... too many variables... He might be a nice guy off the bike...
Yep... I vote for the "get your own riding gear... but better yet... get your own ride" category...
Ride your own and you can go almost anytime you want... which is very liberating...
(Blue Giant... #5... that was clever)
81 SH Something Special
81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels
81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
80 LG Black Magic
78 E Standard Practice
James 3:17
If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.
“Alis Volat Propriis”
Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
For those on FB
I'm with Blue.
I would have given her the rainsuit AND the full-face, if there was one of each.
Of course, she would have had the full-face right from the start, as I won't wear one.
I also have leathers, so I can take rain for quite a while. In fact, I didn't own a rainsuit at all for the first 10 years or so I rode.
It was a good sign of what is most important to him, though.Nice day, if it doesn't rain...
'05 ST1300
'83 502/502 Monte Carlo for sale/trade
Bluegiant! Shame on you....
You Cad!!!
However it's not a bad suggestion, that #5. One I haven't gotten in quite some time.
I must be doing something wrong. I'll have to revamp my 'passenger strategy'
The always wise(in the good way)Wildkat makes the best suggestion-Get you own ride! That's what I did this year.
Once again, to always have the last laugh is the best. Heck with the passenger strategy, I'm an owner/rider now!!!80 XS1100G w/ Windjammer-the Witch
79 XS1100F
"Look Ma! No hands!...."
Re: Bluegiant! Shame on you....
Originally posted by CarolynS
You Cad!!!
I must be doing something wrong. I'll have to revamp my 'passenger strategy'
1983 XJ1100 Maxim
1979 XS1100 Standard
1980 XS1100 Special
I'm not a motorcycle mechanic but I play one on the internet.
Re: Re: Bluegiant! Shame on you....
This is why I have a one seater, no arguments! I love riding alone!http://www.myspace.com/i_give_you_power
1980 XS11 Special - chopped, dropped and OCTY is still installed- NOW IT'S FOR SALE! $1,800 OBO
Famous Myspace quote:
"Don't mess with TEXAS! It's not nice to pick on retards."
It's funny because I am from TEXAS!
I am with blue on this one. most of us have gotten caught in the rain without gear before at least once. Whats one more time in the rain.United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
"You know something, You can't polish a turd"
"What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
Acta Non Verba