I have had my head under the hoods of Mopars for untold hours and here is my .02. The check valve trick may work ok but here is how I fixed a related problem on my "75 360 and other small block mopars. Item one is the fuel line from the pump to the carb is routed right in front of the block, making it a great heat sink. I cut the metal line right out of the outlet of the fuel pump and ran a hose around the block up to the carb. Percolation/vapor locking problem solved. Of course you want to watch out for moving parts and hot manifolds when routing your parts. I actually came out of the pump, ran the line along the fender and firewall and came into the carb that way. I also added an electric fuel pump before the mechanical pump that comes on when the key is in the run/start position. It is a low pressure, georoter style pump. I tried a diaphram style pump but it made too much noise. You might wanna check your float and needle and seat (geez, another carb problem
), you fuel should not drain back out of the bowl. The next time you start it cold, pull the AC and manually work the throttle and check to see if fuel is squirting into the carb, no fuel, you have a drainback problem. The OEM Carters were a troublesome lot anyway. I am sure that this thread would take off if I went into preferred carb/manifold swaps so I will stay quiet
Lemme know when your ready for the 360 swap, piece of cake. If ya get real froggy, and can find one 383/440/727 would turn it into a real sleeper
. And for the saftey gurus here, "Any recomendations here are for reference only, the author holds no responsibility for damages or injurys resulting from improper installation or modification".
