I'm posting this for the guys who like cafe bikes. This is one of my old cafe bikes in it's first phaze, in the second phaze it was black with a 1/4 fairing, clip-ons, rearsets, and better extracters, but I no longer have those pictures.
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74 Kawi. 500 triple cafe.
That is nice, real nice. Love two-strokes, and I've always liked the cafe style, before I even knew what a cafe bike was. My first cafe "build" was on an '83 Honda twin: clubman bars, and I flipped the shifter over so I could use the passenger pegs as rearsets. It seemed great until I forgot (mid-corner, of course) that my shift pattern was reversed. Almost spat myself across the median into oncoming traffic.
It's the hard lessons that stick with you...
-chris.'Tis far better to think without acting than to act without thinking.
If only I listened to myself.