Re: Getting older now ....
[QUOTE]Originally posted by thewiz
[B]and I have noticed that both of my hands often tend to go numb after a few minutes of riding.
I get a numbness when rideing, takes about an hour and it sure ain't in my hands!!!
So much for the jokes. You wearing gloves when riding? I had a set of el-cheapo gloves the cut the circulation off to my fingers and caused the same problem. I frigged with the bars, tire pressure, suspension settings trying to fix it. Did not blame the gloves till I rode without them and didn't have any problems.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by thewiz
[B]and I have noticed that both of my hands often tend to go numb after a few minutes of riding.
I get a numbness when rideing, takes about an hour and it sure ain't in my hands!!!
So much for the jokes. You wearing gloves when riding? I had a set of el-cheapo gloves the cut the circulation off to my fingers and caused the same problem. I frigged with the bars, tire pressure, suspension settings trying to fix it. Did not blame the gloves till I rode without them and didn't have any problems.