Hi Kat and everyone else...I reccieved my merchadise from Care press..today...I ordered 2 T-shirts...one in grey and one in black also ordered a hoodie sweatshirt in grey.First the good...both the sweatshirt and the grey t-shirt's graphics are very very good.The image of the bike is almost photo grade in terms of how sharp the image is.Now the bad...the black shirt's graphics are much poorer in quality...graphics are in white ..the bike's image looks more like a silhouette than the others....so a little dissappointed with the black but 2 out of 3 being good.So overall i am pleased...if anyone orders these shirts..sweatshirts my advice is ..not to get the black shirts.I will contact Cafe Press and see if I can exchange the black shirt.
...Correction.. Looking at the black shirt again what I actually see is 2 colors only...black and white so the details that should look like chrome are white.There is some detail in the engine ..to be seen but overall this silkscreening is not as good quality as the white or ash(grey)shirts.The light colored shirts have color and the pic of the bike looks like a pic...very well done...I think everyone should be pleased with the light shirts..etc...
