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The Smell of Leather
From Mark:
Ok Danny I want to hear your wife’s take on this one.
I'll look, and growl, and sometimes slobber, but I've got what I want at home and she knows this.
We were once on the "T" head at Corpus Christi for a 4th of July fireworks show . . . and a 70' yacht came in. It had one little old man running the show, and at least 20 crew . . . all gorgeous bombshell, tanned, blondes in white thong bikinis. Hoooolllleeeeeyyyy cow!
One of the gals runs forward to grab a rope, turns around (back to us) and bends over to tie it off. Hoooolllleeeeeyyyy cow (again)! 20 second later there were two more doing the same thing!
Looked like a wave going down the "T" head as all the guys' heads turned to watch. Men were getting swatted by their wives (who were watching too) all up and down the "T".
But I didn't get swatted. I asked her why later and she basically said that she would have been absolutely terrified if I had not looked! After all, what male could not! That would mean I was dead or gay . . . either way, bad for her . . .
I was just in Best leather this time.....thanks for sharing your secret
Gary Granger
Remember, we are the caretakers of mechanical art.
2013 Suzuki DR650SE, 2009 Kawasaki Concours 1400, 2003 Aprilia RSV Mille Tuono