The now INFAMOUS 6000th Post!
Hey there folks,
What in the Sam Hill is going on? Looks like many of us had the wool pulled over our heads, and we've been caught red handed, and screwed the pooch by passing on falsely believed word/phrase origin myths! I hope you won't give me the 3rd degree or read me the riot act about the falsehoods I posted, that you'll consider them as tongue in cheek, and you won't make me the scapegoat, okay I say UNCLE, but really I don't give a Tinker's Damn!
Well, I won't keep pussyfooting around, in fact some will say I've gone berserk:from the Scandanavian words for Bare and Shirted...this is true....see a dictionary!
So without further ado, here's the WHOLE NINE YARDS!
No cause for alarm. But, boy the pressure!! Trying to come up with something "Prom"found, or something entertaining, whitty, etc.!
Well, above was my weak attempt at something whittingly entertaining!
But, now for the "profound" part! Let's see, I signed on to the Original XS11 Yahoo group the Summer of 2000,(Group closed 8-16-02) it had already been in existence since May 21, 1999, and before that, as a mailing list.....see the FAQ's on here for the history!
I migrated to July 7, 2002, it had come on line in the middle of June 2002.
I got my XS11 in '83 while stationed in Japan, brought it to the USA, rode it for some 9 years till Trans died..1st and 2nd, and I parked it in '92. In the beginning of 2000 my father passed away from lung cancer, I was 42 y/o, and came to the realization that life's too short. We had just moved into our new house with a 2 car garage, so I decided that I would resurrect my bike! I had found the 2nd gear repair that Ken Talbot had posted, and realized that I could repair it without taking out a 2nd mortgage!
I worked on the bike from the Summer of 2000 till the spring/summer of 2001. I hadn't ridden a bike in 10 years, so I just rode it around my town that year getting reacquainted with Godzilla!
As stated above, joined in summer of 2002, and attended my first rally XS East 2002 in Alexandria Bay, NY! I rode Godzilla from Portsmouth, Va. to Alex. Bay in one day! I met Brent Hoovestol in Richmond....BTW HAPPY Belated B'day Brent! I had a blast meeting many of the fine folks I had conversed with online, and have attended many XS East and VJMC rallies since then, getting to mingle and ride with many of the fine Xsives that Xemplify the XS11 brotherhood!
I had such a great experience in getting Godzilla back on the road, that I wanted to share, the knowledge that I had aquired, and hopefully help others in the same situation. As I have stated over and over again, I'm no professional mech, or engineer, or electrician, but just a shadetree survivalist with an enthusiasm for these wonderful machines. I've learned quite a bit from both reading and posting on here, and continue to learn, and hopefully teach as well!
I've been happy to add to the information base here thru the tech tips that I have posted, the LED Turn and Tail light conversions, the Pictorial walkthru for the 1st/2nd gear repair with much help from Ken Talbot's pages, the Clutch extra steel plate mod, the front tire change pictorial, Pod filter Lowe's Velocity Stack mod, the Mike's XS Coil and wires mod, as well as providing a fair/cheap source for the replacement fuse blocks, The Spin on Oil Filter and Oil cooler adapters, the XS11 Logo and XS-XJ Owner's Assoc. patches, as well as just the general housekeeping here at I consider it both a Privilege and a DUTY to participate in this great organization.
And so to sum up my participation so far, I've been on here for about ~5.5 years, and with 6000 posts to my credit, that averages out to about ~2.98 posts a DAY for some 2013 days! Yes, having taken touch typing class in highschool long before personal computers were even thought of has contributed greatly to my ability to post with such prolific prowess!
So...sorry, you guys are stuck with me for some time yet to come!
Hey there folks,
What in the Sam Hill is going on? Looks like many of us had the wool pulled over our heads, and we've been caught red handed, and screwed the pooch by passing on falsely believed word/phrase origin myths! I hope you won't give me the 3rd degree or read me the riot act about the falsehoods I posted, that you'll consider them as tongue in cheek, and you won't make me the scapegoat, okay I say UNCLE, but really I don't give a Tinker's Damn!

Well, I won't keep pussyfooting around, in fact some will say I've gone berserk:from the Scandanavian words for Bare and Shirted...this is true....see a dictionary!
So without further ado, here's the WHOLE NINE YARDS!

No cause for alarm. But, boy the pressure!! Trying to come up with something "Prom"found, or something entertaining, whitty, etc.!

But, now for the "profound" part! Let's see, I signed on to the Original XS11 Yahoo group the Summer of 2000,(Group closed 8-16-02) it had already been in existence since May 21, 1999, and before that, as a mailing list.....see the FAQ's on here for the history!

I got my XS11 in '83 while stationed in Japan, brought it to the USA, rode it for some 9 years till Trans died..1st and 2nd, and I parked it in '92. In the beginning of 2000 my father passed away from lung cancer, I was 42 y/o, and came to the realization that life's too short. We had just moved into our new house with a 2 car garage, so I decided that I would resurrect my bike! I had found the 2nd gear repair that Ken Talbot had posted, and realized that I could repair it without taking out a 2nd mortgage!

As stated above, joined in summer of 2002, and attended my first rally XS East 2002 in Alexandria Bay, NY! I rode Godzilla from Portsmouth, Va. to Alex. Bay in one day! I met Brent Hoovestol in Richmond....BTW HAPPY Belated B'day Brent! I had a blast meeting many of the fine folks I had conversed with online, and have attended many XS East and VJMC rallies since then, getting to mingle and ride with many of the fine Xsives that Xemplify the XS11 brotherhood!

I had such a great experience in getting Godzilla back on the road, that I wanted to share, the knowledge that I had aquired, and hopefully help others in the same situation. As I have stated over and over again, I'm no professional mech, or engineer, or electrician, but just a shadetree survivalist with an enthusiasm for these wonderful machines. I've learned quite a bit from both reading and posting on here, and continue to learn, and hopefully teach as well!

I've been happy to add to the information base here thru the tech tips that I have posted, the LED Turn and Tail light conversions, the Pictorial walkthru for the 1st/2nd gear repair with much help from Ken Talbot's pages, the Clutch extra steel plate mod, the front tire change pictorial, Pod filter Lowe's Velocity Stack mod, the Mike's XS Coil and wires mod, as well as providing a fair/cheap source for the replacement fuse blocks, The Spin on Oil Filter and Oil cooler adapters, the XS11 Logo and XS-XJ Owner's Assoc. patches, as well as just the general housekeeping here at I consider it both a Privilege and a DUTY to participate in this great organization.
And so to sum up my participation so far, I've been on here for about ~5.5 years, and with 6000 posts to my credit, that averages out to about ~2.98 posts a DAY for some 2013 days! Yes, having taken touch typing class in highschool long before personal computers were even thought of has contributed greatly to my ability to post with such prolific prowess!

So...sorry, you guys are stuck with me for some time yet to come!