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  • Tailgunner?

    I think I could use a tailgunner...

    I be bloggin'

    See the link!

    I'm actually worried about New Years Eve...
    Daniel Meyer
    Author. Adventurer. Electrician.
    Find out why...It's About the Ride.

  • #2
    It's 8.09pm New Years Eve. My car is parked out in the street surrounded by garbage cans ready for tomorrow morning's pick up, The Swiftcicle is locked away safely in my garage. I worked all day taking people to where they will ring in the New Year and got home about an hour ago. I have opened my second icy cold 'tinny' and Stevie Ray is playing just for me on the stereo. I have a brand new bottle of Glenfiddich and and equally new bottle of The Black Douglass in case I grow weary of the contents of the 30 can box of the Ambrosia otherwise known as Tooheys New that sits chilling away in my fridge, I don't start work until after midday tomorrow and I have all the cashews, peanuts and chips I could possibly eat. It's stinking hot outside but my air conditioner is fondling me with fingers of cool air........

    If I die before 2008 turns up it wont be because of drunk driving.

    Stay safe tonight, give the keys to someone you trust and listen to Stevie Ray on the stereo, not 'Live'.

    Happy New Year to all.

    Also available in sober.
    Automotive Imbecile.
    Proud owner of 'The Swiftcicle'. (Swifty for short)
    '78E Full Vetter Dresser.
    1196 Big Bore Kit.


    • #3
      Dan, (Stralya)

      The only name I recognize in your post is Stevie Ray.... but that's the only one that matters, right? lol.


      I suggest you ride home at 100+ That way they don't come up on you so fast!

      Try your hardest to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.

      You can live to be 100, as long as you give up everything that would make you want to live to be 100!

      Current bikes:
      '06 Suzuki DR650
      *'82 XJ1100 with the 1179 kit. "Mad Maxim"
      '82 XJ1100 Completely stock fixer-upper
      '82 XJ1100 Bagger fixer-upper
      '82 XJ1100 Motor/frame and lots of boxes of parts
      '82 XJ1100 Parts bike
      '81 XS1100 Special
      '81 YZ250
      '80 XS850 Special
      '80 XR100
      *Crashed/Totalled, still own


      • #4
        Just after dark yesterday rode the Mirriam over to local gas station and picked up some smokes.
        Checked the tank...plenty of juice.
        Fired the special up and rolled back onto the street to go home. As I approached a stop light realized that it felt sooo good to be out on the bike, better than normal . Cool evening, overcast sky but the rain ended the night before, main roads all dry and few cages about. So... hung a right at the light instead of going forward towards home and got to feel the pull of the Merriam going from first, thru second and part of third...
        Up shifted with out throttle to fifth and the Mirriam relaxed back down to the 40 MPH speed limit.
        Road south a little ways and took some back streets home. Had made up my mind to go out tonight.
        Got home, did dinner, played on the net for a little while then got dressed to ride down to the Florence in Niles...
        Clean shirt, new shoes
        And I don't know where I am going to
        ...(ZZ Top buzzing in the back of my mind)
        Black steel toed boots, black levies, black tee and dress shirt, black heavy over shirt (down in the low forties...cold for around here) and my PB jacket. Coz ever girl crazy bout a sharp dressed man...
        Walked over to turn off the 'puter and a bad thought out of the blue popped to the forefront...
        Wonder where there going to be putting the DUI check points tonight???
        Did a google...and sure enough about a mile and a half between me and Niles, UC police were going to have one on Misson. That one no problem, several ways around it. Then checked Hayward. Yup they going to have some too but not listing where, OK...know some back street ways from Hayward to UC that they won't be putting any checkpoints. Now from UC thru Fremont to Niles???
        Bummer...Three ways to get there from here, and all require at least one main road. Mission Blvd is out cause they were nice enough to list that one. Going all the way around not an option tonight as that route entails several main roads, which leaves Alvarado/Niles Blvd which goes from UC right to down town Niles where I want to go....Several bars on this road and it's four lanes until it gets to Niles...
        Screw it, not worth going out drinking tonight, and certainly not on New Years Eve. Got back into my home clothes, poured a drink and am staying home.



        • #5
          There but for the grace of God...go I...

          the photo

          The story

          That was likely seconds behind me...there were not many bikes out last night...the cold does that...and I passed one northbound about 2 miles back from that exit...just before 2am...

          I likely waved to this man...

          Y'all be safe!
          Daniel Meyer
          Author. Adventurer. Electrician.
          Find out why...It's About the Ride.

