I know I am preaching to the choir here...but bear with me.
I've been considering a new bike...a Concours 1400. And I'll likely buy one in the future. But several times in the recent past I've had people scratch their heads and ask "Why would you choose to ride an antiquated machine like that?" Just today I was telling someone I was considering buying a new Concours. Their response was "What is there to consider? Your riding a 30 year old bike. What in heavens name for man?"
Some people are clueless when it comes to riding. They think it's all about style...or speed...or image. This guy had probably never been on a road trip more than 500 miles. he's probably never had his carbs overflow in the middle of Nevada. He's probably never punched a hole in his tire on a busy interstate and have to plug it with cars whizzing by at 80 mph. But he razzed me a bit and I answered quick and to the point.
I ride an Eleven for several reasons...the main being that is what I choose to ride because I believe it is a great bike. It's not a matter of money. I can afford to ride whatever I want. And I want an Eleven.
You know that old Eleven is hard to beat in the grand scheme of things.
The thing never breaks...but...BUT... if it does give some mechanical glitch on a road trip...it just is no problem. One of the major advantages I see to riding an Eleven is I can work on it. The power train on that bike is so simple...so straight forward and uncomplicated...even an idiot such as myself can work on it with ease.
A new Concours would likely never give any problem either. But dear God if it did! I can imagine myself somewhere between Bend, Oregon and Boise, Idaho when a glitch occurs on that thing...or any new water cooled, computer controlled contraption (FJR, BMW, Honda who cares?) What a nightmare.
And on these new bikes there is so many more headaches to deal with...fuel injection...electronics...computers ... emissions systems...and all the CRAP that goes with them. I will still probably get a Concours in the future but like I said before...the Eleven is a tough critter to beat mechanically.
But another reason I love is Elevens is because of you. That's right...YOU! You reading these ramblings. I have gained so many friends at this website and through my association with XSives.
Who needs a manual if you're on the road and have a problem. Just get to a computer with internet and tap the volume of knowledge here.
The XS1100 is beauty simplified. It is literally a more simple way to ride...yet it gets the job done in a powerful way...in a first rate fashion.
One of my favorite lines (and funniest) is from the Beverly Hillbillies. Aunt Pearl is talking to Uncle Jed right after Mr. Brewster from the Tulsa oil company informs Jed he's a millionaire many times over. She says "Jed I suppose you'll be moving to Cal-ee-farnya or Noo Yark Ceety seein' howz your wealthy now?" Jed replies "Now what would I do that fer PEARL!?" She goes on a tirade and yells"WHADDAYA MEAN? Yur run over with bugs and rats...your roof is constantly leaking....you eat turnip greens, possum innards and hog jowls and YOUR BATHROOM IS 100 FEET FROM YOUR HOUSE AND YOU ASK WHY YOU SHOULD DO THAT?!?!?"
Jed stares into the sky deep in thought and replies "I guess you're right Pearl. A man would be a darn fool to leave all this."
A lot of people look at me and other XSives and say much the same thing Why would we continue to ride an antiquated motorcycle when we could have the most complicated modern gizmo. I suppose it's like Jed Clampett. There is virtue in a simpler lifestyle.
I've been considering a new bike...a Concours 1400. And I'll likely buy one in the future. But several times in the recent past I've had people scratch their heads and ask "Why would you choose to ride an antiquated machine like that?" Just today I was telling someone I was considering buying a new Concours. Their response was "What is there to consider? Your riding a 30 year old bike. What in heavens name for man?"
Some people are clueless when it comes to riding. They think it's all about style...or speed...or image. This guy had probably never been on a road trip more than 500 miles. he's probably never had his carbs overflow in the middle of Nevada. He's probably never punched a hole in his tire on a busy interstate and have to plug it with cars whizzing by at 80 mph. But he razzed me a bit and I answered quick and to the point.
I ride an Eleven for several reasons...the main being that is what I choose to ride because I believe it is a great bike. It's not a matter of money. I can afford to ride whatever I want. And I want an Eleven.
You know that old Eleven is hard to beat in the grand scheme of things.
The thing never breaks...but...BUT... if it does give some mechanical glitch on a road trip...it just is no problem. One of the major advantages I see to riding an Eleven is I can work on it. The power train on that bike is so simple...so straight forward and uncomplicated...even an idiot such as myself can work on it with ease.
A new Concours would likely never give any problem either. But dear God if it did! I can imagine myself somewhere between Bend, Oregon and Boise, Idaho when a glitch occurs on that thing...or any new water cooled, computer controlled contraption (FJR, BMW, Honda who cares?) What a nightmare.
And on these new bikes there is so many more headaches to deal with...fuel injection...electronics...computers ... emissions systems...and all the CRAP that goes with them. I will still probably get a Concours in the future but like I said before...the Eleven is a tough critter to beat mechanically.
But another reason I love is Elevens is because of you. That's right...YOU! You reading these ramblings. I have gained so many friends at this website and through my association with XSives.
Who needs a manual if you're on the road and have a problem. Just get to a computer with internet and tap the volume of knowledge here.
The XS1100 is beauty simplified. It is literally a more simple way to ride...yet it gets the job done in a powerful way...in a first rate fashion.
One of my favorite lines (and funniest) is from the Beverly Hillbillies. Aunt Pearl is talking to Uncle Jed right after Mr. Brewster from the Tulsa oil company informs Jed he's a millionaire many times over. She says "Jed I suppose you'll be moving to Cal-ee-farnya or Noo Yark Ceety seein' howz your wealthy now?" Jed replies "Now what would I do that fer PEARL!?" She goes on a tirade and yells"WHADDAYA MEAN? Yur run over with bugs and rats...your roof is constantly leaking....you eat turnip greens, possum innards and hog jowls and YOUR BATHROOM IS 100 FEET FROM YOUR HOUSE AND YOU ASK WHY YOU SHOULD DO THAT?!?!?"
Jed stares into the sky deep in thought and replies "I guess you're right Pearl. A man would be a darn fool to leave all this."
A lot of people look at me and other XSives and say much the same thing Why would we continue to ride an antiquated motorcycle when we could have the most complicated modern gizmo. I suppose it's like Jed Clampett. There is virtue in a simpler lifestyle.
