Read this in the news.......
I know that the two states to the north of CA CA land like to try to out Lib our CA "Demosnakes" but will you guys actually allow this.
CA road/highway/bridge problems are a direct result of politicans stealing the gas tax money and spending it in ways voters would not allow a tax hike for. They call it borrowing, but they have never paid it back and there is nothing in there "borrowing law" that would make em pay it back.
Stolen from the net:
The Right to Travel
As the Supreme Court notes in Saenz v Roe, 98-97 (1999), the Constitution does not contain the word "travel" in any context, let alone an explicit right to travel (except for members of Congress, who are guaranteed the right to travel to and from Congress). The presumed right to travel, however, is firmly established in U.S. law and precedent. In U.S. v Guest, 383 U.S. 745 (1966), the Court noted, "It is a right that has been firmly established and repeatedly recognized." In fact, in Shapiro v Thompson, 394 U.S. 618 (1969), Justice Stewart noted in a concurring opinion that "it is a right broadly assertable against private interference as well as governmental action. Like the right of association, ... it is a virtually unconditional personal right, guaranteed by the Constitution to us all." It is interesting to note that the Articles of Confederation had an explicit right to travel; it is now thought that the right is so fundamental that the Framers may have thought it unnecessary to include it in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
So.....sometime in the future only the wealthy will be allowed to travel, working stiffs just won't be able to afford it and the politicans will put another nail in the feet of the poor.
Is it just me that thinks our so called "political leaders" just can not and will never stop from taxing anything and everything they can? How long do you think it would take em before they start spending such a tax on programs you would never vote for or "EAR MARKS" .

Also possible is a model being tested in Oregon that taxes mileage rather than fuels. When motorists fill up, the pump takes a mileage reading and adds a per-mile fee to the gas purchase.
CA road/highway/bridge problems are a direct result of politicans stealing the gas tax money and spending it in ways voters would not allow a tax hike for. They call it borrowing, but they have never paid it back and there is nothing in there "borrowing law" that would make em pay it back.
Stolen from the net:
The Right to Travel
As the Supreme Court notes in Saenz v Roe, 98-97 (1999), the Constitution does not contain the word "travel" in any context, let alone an explicit right to travel (except for members of Congress, who are guaranteed the right to travel to and from Congress). The presumed right to travel, however, is firmly established in U.S. law and precedent. In U.S. v Guest, 383 U.S. 745 (1966), the Court noted, "It is a right that has been firmly established and repeatedly recognized." In fact, in Shapiro v Thompson, 394 U.S. 618 (1969), Justice Stewart noted in a concurring opinion that "it is a right broadly assertable against private interference as well as governmental action. Like the right of association, ... it is a virtually unconditional personal right, guaranteed by the Constitution to us all." It is interesting to note that the Articles of Confederation had an explicit right to travel; it is now thought that the right is so fundamental that the Framers may have thought it unnecessary to include it in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.
So.....sometime in the future only the wealthy will be allowed to travel, working stiffs just won't be able to afford it and the politicans will put another nail in the feet of the poor.
Is it just me that thinks our so called "political leaders" just can not and will never stop from taxing anything and everything they can? How long do you think it would take em before they start spending such a tax on programs you would never vote for or "EAR MARKS" .