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Watch for falling rock..

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  • Watch for falling rock..

    This is a piece of road SWMBO and I travel frequently - the famous Trans-Canada highway just a few miles west of Revelstoke. Just about every time you go through, there is something on the road, and many times you can see something falling. Usually, most of what comes down is not quite this size. This piece came down a week ago. ...

    Ken Talbot

  • #2
    Looks like Three Valley Gap. Every time I've gone thru there I have had the feeling it was not a good place to linger!!
    Norm Willey
    94 BMW K75RT


    • #3

      Holy &%#$!!!
      Gary Granger
      Remember, we are the caretakers of mechanical art.
      2013 Suzuki DR650SE, 2009 Kawasaki Concours 1400, 2003 Aprilia RSV Mille Tuono


      • #4
        Hey, no problem. I wear a full-face helmet!
        Daniel Meyer
        Author. Adventurer. Electrician.
        Find out why...It's About the Ride.


        • #5
          Similar things happen in the Colorado Rockies, but usually in the spring. Have a few photos somewhere of my in the middle of a 'debris field'. Have not seen anything that large, but a few years ago a bus was pushed off the road by a boulder that rolled down and hit it. Think it was south of Winter Park, on Berthoud Pass.
          Jerry Fields
          '82 XJ 'Sojourn'
          '06 Concours
          My Galleries Page.
          My Blog Page.
          "... life is just a honky-tonk show." Cherry Poppin' Daddy Strut


          • #6
            Watch for falling truck

            Another in the series of conditions on the Trans Canada highway in my part of the world:

            You know you're not having a good day when this happens.

            Then again, while you're sitting in there waiting for someone to come get you, maybe you're thinking to yourself this really isn't so bad after all, compared to what it could be like if the frame did more than just bend.
            Ken Talbot


            • #7
              Fallen Rocks

              Did you ever see those road signs "Watch for fallen rocks"? Well, I will tell you how that got started. Once there was this mountain man who went around helping people. He could ALWAYS help with most everything. A wonderful man. Then one day he disappeared, and no one ever saw him again. People searched everywhere for him, and finally put out all those signs in a last attempt to locate this wonderful man. And that, kiddies, is why you see those signs all around the mountain areas, "Watch for Fallen Rocks".
              put something smooooth betwen your legs, XS eleven
              79 F (Blueballs)
              79 SF (Redbutt)
              81 LH (organ donor)
              79 XS 650S (gone to MC heaven)
              76 CB 750 (gone to MC heaven)
              rover has spoken


              • #8
                sixtysix, thats exactly what I said
                United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
                If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
                "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
                "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
                Acta Non Verba


                • #9
                  Falling rock

                  Twas an Indian named Falling Rock that wanted to marry the chief's daughter so the cheif said he could have his daughter if he went hunting and brought back two deer and a bear. He never returned so they put out signs so people would look for him.

                  I know tis so 'cause my grandpa said so. LOL
                  You can't stay young forever, but you can be immature for the rest of your life...

                  '78E "Pathfinder" Show bike...
                  Lovingly restored by Dave Delzell
                  Drilled airbox
                  Tkat fork brace
                  Hardly mufflers
                  late model carbs
                  Newer style fuses
                  Oil pressure guage
                  Custom security system
                  Stainless braid brake lines


                  • #10
                    Watch it, you'll start another one of those never ending story threads!

                    Several years ago, some freinds and I were going to go over the Ride to the Sun Highway between Montana and Idaho. It was early June and that highway was still closed, due to too much snow up top.

                    On the map the main road angles a long ways to the east, then south, then back west to get around the mountain. On the map, there was a 'shortcut', a smaller, paved, road that cut straight south, cutting off the whole east part of the jaunt.

                    When we got to the turn off, the road was closed. Big barricade and a sign. However, a pick up truck came from the other side, and went around the barricade to get to our side. We asked the driver what the road was like and he said he only went about 2 miles, and it seemed ok, he said the bikes could probably make it no problem.

                    So we went around the barricade too, and off we went. This road goes along the side of the mountain, between Montana and Glacier National Park.

                    Well, parts of the road had fallen clean off the mountain. In other places part of the road was gone, and in others big chunks of the road had sunk 2 to 3 feet in places. I was pulling a trailer with my Shadow, and my friends were 2 up on thier Shadow 1100.

                    It took us about 2 hours to get through 17 miles of road (or lack thereof) to get to the other side, where we met some Gold Whales wondering if they should go through. Once we filled them in, they decided to go around...

                    Apparently, the road was falling apart and the state and the park were arguing over who's road it was.
                    Nice day, if it doesn't rain...

                    '05 ST1300
                    '83 502/502 Monte Carlo for sale/trade


                    • #11
                      Hey PlaneDick... I'm sure your story is the right one. My Grandpa told me the same story. Two grandpas can't be wrong!!
                      1979 XS11SF (Shiny Red Sled)
                      1982 XJ11 (winter project- Black Beauty)
                      1992 XT225 (yard sale find)



                      • #12
                        Make that three grandpa's.
                        1979 XS11 Special (slightly modified)
                        dubbed the "Mad Mosquito"

                        MikesXs Pod Filters
                        MikesXs 35k Coils
                        8mm plug wires
                        42.5 Pilots 142.5 Mains
                        (Carb tune by GNEPIG Performance)
                        Kerker 4-into-1
                        Shaved emblems
                        Progressive frt springs lowered 1.5"
                        Progressive 11.5" rear shocks
                        Harley Dyna rear fender chopped
                        Custm side mt tag (apparently illegal)
                        Custom Dual Headlights
                        Lots of time and hard work.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Da-Bubble
                          Make that three grandpa's.
                          Three grandpa's, plus my Uncle Tommy who only had one leg 'cause he was in the war...
                          Ken Talbot


                          • #14
                            Ouch that could hurt!!!!!! Around here we gotta watch for deer..they are every where.Girl who works for me shot( arrow) three so far this month about 75 yards behind my shop.
                            With a deer ya got a chance with a boulder it will win every time,yuppers full face helmet,preserve the teeth so we can find out who you are via dental records:-)
                            '80 XS1100 SG
                            Don't let the good times pass you by..grab all you can


                            • #15
                              Dragonrider --- Hey, no problem. I wear a full-face helmet!
                              And let's not forget the Joe Rocket Shoulder, Back, Elbow and Chest armour. Yeah, I should make out okay....
                              Papa Gino

                              79 and something XS 1100 Special "Battle Cruiser"
                              78 XT 500 "Old Shaky"
                              02 Kawasaki Concours "Connie"

