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Should any action be taken concerning tasteless, offending videos?

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  • Should any action be taken concerning tasteless, offending videos?

    I think it is time to address this issue. I have gotten many complaints about the posting of the senseless, and insulting videos lately, and I'm tired of telling the members that I cannot do anything about it.
    Do y'all think something should be done about it, or should he just be left alone to offend, and taunt the other decent members of this forum?
    I'm afraid that we may lose good, decent members over the actions of one individual, and I for one do not want to see that happen.
    Answer the poll, let your feelings be known.

  • #2
    i say let the individual people decide weather to click on it or not
    the poster could put a warning on the post
    78E main ride, since birth the "good"
    78E Parts, the "bad" fixing up now
    78E Parts the "ugly" maybe next year
    79F Parts
    80G Parts
    75 DT 400B enduro


    • #3
      I agree totally on this one. This forum has, for the most part, been "family friendly" and we need to keep it that way. The majority of the humor is harmless and dosen't seem to offend anyone, for very long anyway. Alot of the video links however have, or are getting close to crossing the line of good taste for most everyone here. Course, we all have our own idea of what "taste" is. Other forums I visit for stuff not related to this one have let this kind of stuff get way outa hand, hence I rarely visit or contribute to them anymore. Kinda akin to "if you dont like the channel, dont watch it". I for one, would not like to see the pool of knowledge here dwindle 'cause of this.
      When a 10 isn't enough, get a 11. 80g Hardbagger


      • #4
        If the member doesn't contribute anything helpful or useful to the forum then I'd call that a nuisance. Dump him.


        • #5
          usually try to stay out of these types of discussions...but,

          just what defines a tasteless, offending post? and where is that spelled out in the forum rules/regulations? I'll agree with T.C. on this....
          Originally posted by TopCatGr58
          .....The Webmaster established this Forum for discussions and such about ALL OTHER OFF TOPIC material other than MC's, XS11's!'s your right to post what you long as it's not blatant porn, or stuff from "Faces of Death"!
          So...feel free to post comments positive or negative regarding this practice, but do not engage in Disrespectful remarks towards individuals....flame wars will not be tolerated.

          Remember Ted Nugent and to just avoid hot topic debates!
          while my views/opinions do not always coincide with what is posted, I still find the posts enlightening. besides, if these opinions were suppressed, how would I "know thy enemy"?


          • #6
            Double edged sword...

            Some of the motorcycle videos that are posted are entertaining... I just happen to be one of those who don't care for death in any form to be posted... and the shooting vids are a bit graphic for my taste... which is why I asked they not be posted any more.
            (Obviously, anyone can post what they want to... but it's always nice to ask first... right?)

            The people posting should be able to govern what they post and hopefully take into consideration others that will see what is posted.

            I have the right not to click on the link... I just don't have the will power...

            81 SH Something Special
            81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels

            79 SF MEAUQABEAUXS
            81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
            80 LG Black Magic
            78 E Standard Practice

            James 3:17

            If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.

            “Alis Volat Propriis”

            Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
            For those on FB


            • #7
              In my opinion, I think that the forum would be best served by censoring senseless, insulting videos. Here's why...

              Personal choice ultimately maps the course of events. One may choose to post a video. Then another may choose to not frequent this site. If the majority of people on here don't want to be exposed (this extends to their families as well) to the video clips, they shouldn't have to be. Valuable knowledge stands to potentially be lost from members choosing to skip the site altogether because of it.

              Some may cry "Hey, it's free speech; protected by the Constitution!" From what I understand, the Constitution is a set of rules written by the people for the government to follow. The gub'mint can't censor, but private entities can censor all they want. If it offends the entity, that entity is allowed to impose rules and regulations to suit them. This site is not government-run, therefore the majority should decide what it wants to have part of the site.

              "The right to swing my fist ends where the other man's nose begins." -Oliver Wendell Holmes

              I believe I have the right to come on here and not be exposed to that which (the majority) doesn't want to be exposed. I have faith in the moderators' sensibilities. I believe them all to be reasonable and don't think any of them would overstep any bounds. This is how democracy should work.

              My $0.02.
              -Do what makes you happy.

              '79 Honda CB 750 K (2)
              '78 XS 11 E - "Rhona"
              ...and a 2nd E, for the goodies on it.


              • #8
                What Video?

                I have not seen any of these videos because............ I don't come here to look at video.
                I don't look at porn or snuff on the web either. Its my decision whether or not to do that. I choose not to, even though its out there and available 24 hrs a day.
                The general understanding is: "That which is not strictly prohibited is allowed."
                Do the moderators really want to turn that around and rewrite the rules, ad nauseum, to include any and everything which may be deemed to be offensive?
                That will cause the Idle Talk section to go away as it will turn into a never ending PITA trying to please everyone, and pleasing no one in the process.

                $.02 YMMV


                • #9
                  Here is another instance of "who decides what is best for the group" syndrome.
                  As others have noted, who decides what is offensive? There are videos posted that I don't think belong on a forum that is 'strictly for discussion of ******* motorcycle'. Thus, JP made different catagories so that things not related to motorcycle ******* can be discussed. Even things not related to motorcycles at all.
                  I personally have found comments, insights, behaviour of some moderators offensive yet others think it's cute, funny and encourage it.
                  Just because I don't like it or 50 members don't like it dosen't mean they don't have a right to post it.
                  There are a few options available to each of us to be our own censors.
                  Just don't click on the particular link.
                  Don't read that thread.
                  Scroll past what that person has to say
                  Put an individual on IGNORE and they cease to exist for you (tho that makes some threads weird if everyone else likes the person and replys to them).

                  I think the moderators do a good job of shuffling posts to the appropriate areas and that should be the extent of it
                  The people that receive complaints (pleads) to not post certain things could be mature enough to take a hint and just not post what they know is causing an unhealthy controversy anymore.
                  Yes, some people thrive on negative attention because it beats being ignored. They deride others, insult others (even good-naturedly), taunt others, and can just be a PITA. This is just the way they deal with life and they are part of the human spectrum.
                  Over 3000 members here, can't please everyone, which ones do you please?
                  This is JP's site, for us (thank you), so ultimately it's up to him.
                  Pat Kelly

                  1978 XS1100E (The Force)
                  1980 XS1100LG (The Dark Side)
                  2007 Dodge Ram 2500 quad-cab long-bed (Wifes ride)
                  1999 Suburban (The Ship)
                  1994 Dodge Spirit (Son #1)
                  1968 F100 (Valentine)

                  "No one is totally useless. They can always be used as a bad example"


                  • #10
                    There is a simple way out.

                    Create a new category for this kind of thing, that way everyone has the choice whether or not to go there.

                    If you ban it where do you draw the line, who is going to decide what is tasteful or not?

                    I know our English (UK) humour is way different to humour from the USA and some of our accepted English family humour may offend you lads.

                    The snuff videos are plain wierd
                    1982 5K7 Sport, restored to original from a wreck
                    1978 2H9 (E), my original XS11, mostly original
                    1980 2H9 monoshocked (avatar pic)
                    1982 XJ1100, waiting resto to original


                    • #11
                      I just don't like the few telling the many what to do . If you don't like what he post don't look . I don't look at it anymore.


                      • #12
                        I personally Don't care for watching videos on the web. occaisionally I will, but by and large I just don't load them. If there is someone posting vids that people find offensive, all I can say is don't load them. I have seen the large amount of videos posted by one of our members and I have watched a couple of them, but generally don't care to. I say let it be, if the other members don't agree with me, that is, after all, their right. I would hate to see the site lose input over something as silly as video posting but, I'd hate to see every post overly scrutinized and made politically correct. I generally don't want to be offensive towards others (most of the time ) but far be it from me to tell the world how to act either. just my opinion....feel free to tell me I'm full of it. Have a nice day and ride safe.
                        I am the Lorax, I speak for the Trees

                        '80 XS1100 SG (It's Evil, Wicked, Mean & Nasty)

                        '79 XS1100 F R (IL Barrachino)

                        '00 Suzuki Intruder 1400 (La Soccola)

                        '77 KZ400s (La Putana)


                        • #13
                          I posted a week or two ago that I just ignore him, the threads and the links.

                          I'm just dissappointed that this crap has begun on our site........
                          80 SG
                          81 SH in parts
                          99 ST1100
                          91 ST1100


                          • #14
                            Boo hoo hoo, sniff sniff, get out the violins, the miserable specimens who actually did the complaining, and who obviously spend much of their days sucking lemons and pursing their lips because, get out the violins again, "WE don't LIKE that sort of thing" (sniffle sniffle) well, stop being so bl##dy precious and chill out for krissakes.

                            So what if Midnite has posted some 'dodgy' videos? BIG DEAL! Come on, get real, you're all watching the world wide web, yeah www stands for world wide, a mix of all attitudes, individuals and personalities, it is what it is.

                            Now you can all snuggle up together into nice pleasant touchy feely groups, pretend life is 'not like that' and convince yourselves you're 'far above all that' and 'We' as 'special' people, know 'better than that'... blah blah blah...

                            My message to all the whingers out there is 'toughen up and stop pissin ya pants over such trivial BS" The sun will still rise in the morning people.

                            PS I haven't followed up any of Midnites' links for weeks and weeks. Simple huh?


                            • #15
                              Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. I frequent other motorcycle forums (GASP!) and those that have tolerated this type of behavior are somehow... less.
                              Don't go spewing any of that First Amendment BS to me. I'm a registered, card carrying Conservative Party member. It seems that some misunderstand the US Constitution even now. Guess what folks: this is a PRIVATE venue. Membership can be granted, denied or revoked. You could even be required to wear pink panties and speak with a lisp to be a member. For those who still don't understand: be polite, cordial and constructive on this forum. If you can't, go someplace else. No one has a "right" to be here, unless they're footing the bill. To put it another way, this forum is someone's house. Should you choose to exercise your "First Amendment Rights", you might just be asked to leave by the homeowner. His/her house, his/her rules. Why is it that so many cheerleaders for the First Amendment are loathe to support the Second?
                              2010 Kawasaki Z1000
                              1979 SF: Millennium Falcon, until this Saturday

