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New XS lover

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  • New XS lover

    Hey all, I am the proud owner of a 79xs that i just recently bought from the Original owner. He bought it brand new in 79. The title was so old the clerk at the DMV did not think it was real. I love it, this bike is a great ride. Can not wait to try out some of the fun mods that i have read about. I am sure that I will ask lots of questions too. Just love to tinker to much on things. Look forward to getting to know ya all.

    79 XS1100 Standard

  • #2

    Hi Joel,
    I am proud to be the first to welcome you to the neighborhood! Sounds like you've poked around enough to see the value of the forum.
    As has been said many a time to a new member, there is nothing you need to do or want to do to your XS that can't be descirbed in detail by the gurus here and usually with pictures!

    Enjoy your new XSive lifestyle!

    OH pictures pictures! We do love the pictures!
    My Ex!"Half-Breed"
    '82 XJ1100 Maxim with
    '80 XS1100SG Motor

    Current Bike
    2000 Indian Chief
    Millennium Edition


    • #3

      What Jimbo said...
      Especially the pics.
      Several XSers in your neck of the woods too.



      • #4
        MRO... what are you doing up so late? Meds not working again?

        Welcome, Masontrep.
        Several riders in the area.
        Rally at DennyZ's mid August.
        Me, I'm a hermit, and my handlers don't let me out too often.
        "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


        • #5
          up so late?

          Hi ya P rom...
          Kinda early in the morning, IV musta sliped out

          Forget to take your geritol?



          • #6

            I couldn't get back to sleep after thinkin' about that graveyard stuff from the other post.
            "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


            • #7
              Like em stiff eh...or just old en moldy?

              originally post by Prom
              I couldn't get back to sleep after thinkin' about that graveyard stuff from the other post.
              Necrophilia, also called thanatophilia and necrolagnia, is a paraphilia characterized by a sexual attraction to corpses and bodiless heads stuck on Christmas trees and may find a body or two just hanging out in the affected’s garage...

              just bored I guess


              • #8
                gee masontrep...aren't ya glad ya signed up.....
                One learns about MUCH more than XS's..... MUCH more
                My Ex!"Half-Breed"
                '82 XJ1100 Maxim with
                '80 XS1100SG Motor

                Current Bike
                2000 Indian Chief
                Millennium Edition


                • #9
                  MUCH more than XS's..... MUCH more

                  Thread hi jack

                  think Proms got me about 5 to 1, some of his "remarks" are ow so suttle, then agin sometimes just smack-down funny.



                  • #10
                    Geez I wonder if i should be scared? Prom even lives in the same area as me. I think I better make sure its a cremation for me just in case Never know who might be a necrophiliac areound here.
                    79 XS1100 Standard


                    • #11
                      "Love me to death"

                      After several months of research MRO, I had to change the topic of my Senior Seminar paper. Papers had to be written based on current studies, or research no more than ten years old. I had been given permission to go back as far as I needed. (I stopped at 1837)
                      Though it does exist and is written about occasionally in the medical journals, reputable (and citable) documentation and studies on necrophilia are quite hard to find.
                      I switched to "The Sexual Motivations of Female Arsonists". A lot of info there to draw from, but I got bored, dropped the class, never got my degree.
                      Why get a job studying other people's heads, when mine is so much more disturbed?

                      Yes MRO, we can understand that you're bored. Now you finally realize how we all have been viewing you these past years. It hasn't been easy for us, either!
                      Maybe I should ride down for a visit to brighten your day!

                      Necrophilia... like fetishes, brought on by mal-imprinting or mis-associations at a vulnerable stage of developement. Same reason the neighbor's dog becomes attached to your leg.

                      Don't blame me for the hijack, Masontrep... MRO started it.
                      "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)

