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"Guru, Guru, Guru!"

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  • #16
    Merchant Marine officeers make BIG bucks.
    Why are you going to school?



    • #17
      who me, or him? If me, same reason, probably less $. Although, geology bachelors rated second for pay only to petrolium engineers.
      '81 XS1100 SH

      Melted to the ground during The Valley Fire

      Sep. 12th 2015



      • #18
        Yeah, ask Maximan about rocks! He has a geology degree, and lives in OK. Me, I've got dual A.S. degrees, and work with computers and nerds. I don't make that much, but I DO have the best job in the company. As a reliability engineer, I get paid to break the parts, and they send me to exotic places to do it!!
        Ray Matteis
        XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
        XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!


        • #19
          I really don't care about the money. Actually, that is the last thing I thought about when applying. Simply put, that's just what I want to do. If I didn't go there, I would have gone to an engineering or some other maritime school. I can learn everything at the USMMA that I need rather than going to multiple schools spending more than 4 years of my life. At one point I had considered just joining the Marines and going to school later. This turned out to be a BIG plus.
          United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
          If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
          "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
          "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
          Acta Non Verba


          • #20
            Follow your heart and the money will come!

            Best of luck. As meticulous as you appear to be you will do great things in engineering.

            hmmm.... engineering.....maritime.......XSive behavior....

            Presenting the Maritime Meathead Idiot-GURUmobile!
            My Ex!"Half-Breed"
            '82 XJ1100 Maxim with
            '80 XS1100SG Motor

            Current Bike
            2000 Indian Chief
            Millennium Edition


            • #21

              I want one of those! Any possiblity that things for sale?
              1980 xs1100g "Frankenstein" (Now with a mind of his own!)

              "What do you mean I can't park this thing here?"
              "Shiny side up? I don't have a shiny side."


              • #22
                "Once again, Jimboreeno confuses the concept of carb floats."

                Nice, but does it come in any other color?
                The seat padding doesn't look too comfortable, maybe more SeaFoam?
                "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                • #23
                  thats right guru status

                  Oops forgot to say congrats hobbyman..... the end of the month is approaching... It'll be good to see everyone again.

                  Let's see....... 8 months to make guru.... for you.... I have been a member since the yahoo swap..... 2002 ......... 5 yrs 125 and some change on posts...... hmm I should reach guru status in about 35 more years...... I can dig it!

                  Course since I am now retired.... (Tod not retarded) the time spent hanging out with all the XSives may be more often......
                  Mark A. Guthrie TSgt USAF (ret)
                  S&M Comp. Serv. Inc. V.P.
                  1981 XS11SH XCaliber


                  • #24
                    Congatulations Andrew and welcome to the club. I'm not sure just what good it does being a Guru, as I'm still waiting for the free beer and maiden virgins, but it was fun getting here.
                    Maybe an MMI course should be in your future, as I'm sure you would make a fine motorcycle mechanic. (Just be warned, being a motorcycle mech is not a good way to get rich, just ask Promepheus.)


                    • #25
                      (Tod not retarded)
                      Well, that's kind of thrown in there haphazardly, but I want to thank you for trying to affirm what no one else in here seems to believe! Thanks Mark! lol.

                      Try your hardest to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.

                      You can live to be 100, as long as you give up everything that would make you want to live to be 100!

                      Current bikes:
                      '06 Suzuki DR650
                      *'82 XJ1100 with the 1179 kit. "Mad Maxim"
                      '82 XJ1100 Completely stock fixer-upper
                      '82 XJ1100 Bagger fixer-upper
                      '82 XJ1100 Motor/frame and lots of boxes of parts
                      '82 XJ1100 Parts bike
                      '81 XS1100 Special
                      '81 YZ250
                      '80 XS850 Special
                      '80 XR100
                      *Crashed/Totalled, still own


                      • #26
                        Thanks jimboreeno. That pic gives new meening to Carb Floats, Floating a valve, Floating down the road and the old saying, Ya, she really floats,

                        1-Project SG (Ugly Rat Bike)(URB)
                        1-big XS patch
                        1-small XS/XJ patch
                        1-XS/XJ owners pin.
                        1-really cool XS/XJ owners sticker on my helmet.
                        2-2005 XS rally T-shirts, (Bean Blossom, In)
                        1-XVS1300C Yamaha Stryker Custom (Mosquito)
                        1-VN900C Kawasaki Custom (Jelly Bean)

                        Just do it !!!!!


                        • #27
                          Thanks everyone. Its good to be part of the club.
                          United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
                          If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
                          "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
                          "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
                          Acta Non Verba


                          • #28
                            (Just be warned, being a motorcycle mech is not a good way to get rich, just ask Promepheus.)
                            True words there, Gnepig. (would have been truer had you spelled my name correctly.)
                            Yes, the poor, down-trodden and spit-upon mechanic works not for pay, but for the pure enjoyment of turning a wrench and the happy encounters he gets to have with customers who know exactly what's wrong with their machines, how to fix them, and what they feel that they should be charged.
                            Is this not true also, Friend Gnepig?
                            Another truism is: The easiest way to make a million dollars in the motorcycle industry is to initially invest two million.(do the math)
                            T'was only a month ago that we decided to drop the Kawasaki Line.
                            Yes, this is a dynamic and ever changing industry.
                            I don't want to upset MRO by mentioning this, but.. two weeks ago we announced that we're dropping the Vespa line.
                            Ok... Ok...we've also dropped Triumph, Victory and KTM.

                            "Geez, Prometheus(spelt correctly), whatever will you be wrenching on now?"
                            Uhmm... looks like nothing. ('cept my garage full of 1100's)
                            How's the weather down there, Friend Gnepig? (Does that job offer from a year ago still stand?)
                            Oh, weep not for ol' Prometheus, my nappy-headed friends and loyal readers. Your humble narrator has been visited by the spector of the owner from the Yamaha shop down the street (a job and free parts?), as well as the owners of the Honda joint and several shops up north(I refuse to drive that far!) Suzuki stopped in last week (they are eyeing a buy-out), wanting to know if the staff would stay on. I had the distinct pleasure of informing him that due to his shady business practices, not only would I walk... I would run!(I have no problem biting, nor insulting, the hand that might feed me)
                            All is not lost, though, as late yesterday, reenforcements arrived from an unexpected quarter! An investor from the Emerald City(not the Wizard of Oz, TRBIG. I meant from Seattle) has been in negotiations with our owner. I must go into work today, take another inventory, and prepare a list is new equipment that the shop will need.
                            It will be expensive... top o' the line... I shall require the best...
                            I demand a new coffee pot!

                            A word of warning: In the event that "the best-laid schemes o' mice an' men, gang aft agley' and the shop closes it's doors... out come the saddlebags and sleeping bag. The "Queen of the Night" will breath fire once again and I'll be off terrorizing the countryside. (No, T.C.... that's the name of the bike, don't even try it...)
                            Those of you with your home addresses listed in your profile may want to remove them now!
                            "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                            • #29
                              The only club you'll be aquainted with... Is the one in my hand that I'm currently swinging over my head!
                              Uhmm.. by the by... what's your home address?
                              "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by jimboreeno
                                Follow your heart and the money will come!

                                Best of luck. As meticulous as you appear to be you will do great things in engineering.

                                hmmm.... engineering.....maritime.......XSive behavior....

                                Presenting the Maritime Meathead Idiot-GURUmobile!
                                i think a twin xs 1100
                                engine would look more better on this type of boat

