Hey Skipt,
I got my 81SH new in JAPAN(US NAVY EXCHANGE) in 83, rode it for 9 years, 1st and 2nd gear crapped out in '92. I parked it, didn't have a GARAGE, had a tarp over it for a few years until it dissolved. In Va., lots of humidity, didn't know about how to properly store it. Got corroded and rusted badly.
Moved to a new house WITH A GARAGE, some spare $$ some 8 years later. My dad passed away...hit's too short, get off my butt and fix it. FOUND the then XS11 Yahoo group, learned the Dremmel fix, spent a few grand on topend rebuild...big bore, forks, seat, tires, etc. but did all the mech work myself. Started in Fall of 2000. Was riding it Spring of 2001. Attended Rallies in 2002, 3, 4, 5, 6.
You can't buy a new one for twice what I spent fixing mine, and it's Unique, I can work on it, know how to fix other things that can break or go wrong. I'm still working, modding it, and having fun doing it as well. And with the brotherhood I've found on, there's essentially nothing that we can't collectively figure out!
Hey Skipt,
I got my 81SH new in JAPAN(US NAVY EXCHANGE) in 83, rode it for 9 years, 1st and 2nd gear crapped out in '92. I parked it, didn't have a GARAGE, had a tarp over it for a few years until it dissolved. In Va., lots of humidity, didn't know about how to properly store it. Got corroded and rusted badly.
Moved to a new house WITH A GARAGE, some spare $$ some 8 years later. My dad passed away...hit's too short, get off my butt and fix it. FOUND the then XS11 Yahoo group, learned the Dremmel fix, spent a few grand on topend rebuild...big bore, forks, seat, tires, etc. but did all the mech work myself. Started in Fall of 2000. Was riding it Spring of 2001. Attended Rallies in 2002, 3, 4, 5, 6.
You can't buy a new one for twice what I spent fixing mine, and it's Unique, I can work on it, know how to fix other things that can break or go wrong. I'm still working, modding it, and having fun doing it as well. And with the brotherhood I've found on, there's essentially nothing that we can't collectively figure out!