I've always wanted to ride my own bike from South Dakota to California, but I don't think that the xs can handle it. She runs hot and gets fair gas mileage. But anyways, I was looking at a vstar 1100, funny it's an xvs1100. The dealer will give me about $600 for the xs and $700 for my wife's 81 xj 550 seca. I like the idea of having 2 bikes still, but money can be hard to come by sometimes. I'm wondering what the going prices are for a strong running 79 11 special. It's not stock but heck, I heard of a guy paying $700 for a parts bike.
No announcement yet.
New bike, maybe...
Tune it up and keep it. I've had my 79 XS11 since Aug 22'nd (not even 2 months) and have racked up almost 4,000klms. I just turn the key in the morning and see where I end up. I'm sure it could handle even more road trips but life settled in and I need to work again.1979 XS1100 - "Blue Belle"
For 600... no way. I think it's better to keep the XS and wait till you have enuff cash.
Sell the seca.. but then again... if the SWMBO doesn't have a bike, you're gonna have to pillon her... and that sux.
VStar... dragstar in europe... nice bike, probbably one of the best in the jap v-twin jap bunch.
Just for fun, check Moto Guzzi California (get EV, single disc jackals suck). If you can get a used one, try for 1993 1000 California III. It's an easy bike to work on, built like a tractor, so you can't brake anything. Fuel consumtion is low, it has 75HP (California III a bit less), 3 disc brakes, shaft drive, not too chopper riding position and lots of avaliable extras. But AFAIK they're quite expencive in US. The price here is almost the same as XVS 1100.
LPIf it doesn't have an engine, it's not a sport, it's only a game.
(stole that one from I-dont-know-who)
Just FYI, an XS will eat an 1100 V-Star's lunch. A co-worker has one. Very pretty bike, bit noisy . . . We played a bit on the way to lunch. My midnight tromped him . . . off the line, from roll-ons, mid-range, top end . . . he could not believe that the XS was stock.
After all, an 1100 is and 1100 right?
But, if you are looking for a nice ride, and not worried about the massive speed thing, the V-Star is a nice bike for a pretty good price.
He has also complained a bit about comfort on long-distance hauls, but YMMV. I would see if you could ride one for a while before buying.
Getting in a bit late...
Why do you think the XS won't handle a trip from South Dakota to Caolifornia? Just curious...several XS and XJ riders regularly take long trips on their bikes. Just look at some of the long distance riders who show up at the rallies.
I did Wisconsin to New York in 2001, (3,600 miles) Wisconsin to Colorado in 2001, (2,300 miles) Arizona to South Dakota this year (2,500 miles) on my XJ with no problems. Two weekends ago I did a 763 mile overnighter to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, two weeks before that just under 1,200 miles into southern Colorado over a 3 day weekend on a fall color cruise.
An XS or XJ in good condition should be able to take you just about anywhere you want to go. Granted, you may need to make some adjustments to make the bike more long distance comfortable, such as fitting handlebars that fit your riding position better, alternate footpegs, or perhaps a custom seat, but is relatively minor stuff.
Granted there are newer and more comfortable long-distance cruisers, but your XS should be able to make the trip there and back without difficulty. Not questioning your choice of other bikes, just pointing out the XS/XJ can be a good cruiser as well.Jerry Fields
'82 XJ 'Sojourn'
'06 Concours
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"... life is just a honky-tonk show." Cherry Poppin' Daddy Strut
thinking aloud
All good points. I had seen your pics from your long rides and figured the bike to be distance durable, although yours is better maintained. I would need to buy several things including saddlebags regardless of the type of bike. I thought it may be more cost effective to sink money in a newer bike than mine. I get lost thinking about the internal combustion engine and know mine needs alittle love.
But, I do like it, in fact more people look at it than the harley softail deuce that parks next to me at work. It's got that mad max feel, with it's bright yellow paint, k&n filters, kerker megaphone, dirt track bars and the traditional xs mean stance. Or maybe it's the nearly half naked hula girls painted on the tank that gets their attention.Well I'm trying to find parts allover the place, and sites are spread far and few between with stuff that I need. Has anyone here compiled a list of good parts sites, I havent checked. I really wish I could make my 79 special stock, but I dont have ANY of the stuff that was replaced. I think it would be best for a long trip if it were stock, too many variables when it has aftermarket items.
Well, point is right now isn't the best time to buy a bike around here anyway (winter). I was getting jealousat the guys coming in talking about their rides that are in excess of 1500 mi. on their vfr's and whatnots. I have to stop every 80 miles or so for gas. thats quite abit. about 22 mpg riding my style. One time i got 28 mpg allowing me to go about 100 miles but, that was riding on a flat road at 65mph. At about 5 dollars a stop, it would be about 80 bucks or more to go to southern CA one way. A buddy of mine rode that for $20. But then comes that point, he wasnt on an xs11 that can cause your eyeballs to pull through the back of your head when accellerating.
You can tell I'm torn, however, I was raised around Harley's and Indian's and I'm currently 21. The XS fills my need for a comfortable cruiser type ride yet provides the speed and power answering to my youth (not to mention the price). I want to try the handling suggestions before a major ride, thats been a concern of mine. Alittle wiggle here and there builds character but, I'd rather be able to corner at highway speeds without worrying.well. okay now that I bored you all; including myself with how slow I type, I'll go away with the comfort of knowing the xs will stay in the garage.
Hi. I'm Jim, I'm here to party.
Well, jimgreenguy1, you have several good points as well. I've spend about $800.00 or so to set up the XJ for touring:
Vetter fairing: $75.00
Vetter lowers: $65.00
Vetter saddlebags: $125.00
Diamond custom seat: $420.00
Engine guard, 3-point: $35.00
Alternate footpegs, engine guard mounted: $35.00
HD mini floorboards, replace stock pegs: $40.00
Total: $795.00
Also added:
Tkat fork brace: $80.00
Progressive front fork springs: $125.00
Stainless steel brake lines: $80.00
Total: $285.00
The small trailer I pull is home built, cost around $250.00. With the original cost of the XJ, $650.00, I have about $2,000.00 tied up in the rig. Need new rear shocks to complete the set-up, plan on spending $150 - $200 for that upgrade. I have all the parts and pieces for adding a cruise control, that is my winter project. Price will be between $40.00 - $50.00, so I plan to spend another $150 - $250 to complete the 'touring package' I had in mind when I bought the bike.
Upgrades and prices have occured since I bought the bike late in 1999 (October) so really since 2000. Lowers and floorboards added this year, less than a month ago.
I had some reservations the first time I took the bike out on a 'long' run, to Eureka Springs, AK for the 2000 rally. Was about 1,300 miles or so. Completing that trip raised my confidence level and convinced me to buy a better seat.
If the truth be known, I lust after a BMW R1150RT, only about $18,000.00 or so fitted out the way I would like. Even the older Honda ST1100 looks pretty good. However, I looked around, figured I couldn't do any better on my budget than I had with the XJ. It took a while to finds the parts and pieces, but I will probably stick with it until some major failure occures.
The XJ does have the 5 gallon tank of the standards, and I stop around 100 - 125 miles. That special tank does limit your range. Tank size was one reason I went with the XJ, has the looks of a special but bigger gas tank.
Having said all that, I think you are correct: if you are going to spend the money, start with a bike that is a bit better suited from the get-go as a cruiser. There are several good bikes out there to choose from. The Special will always be a good bike for local runs. If you decide to swap, I think you would have better luck selling the Sopecial outright, as I suspect you would get more than $600.00 for it. Mostly a matter of timing. Good luck!Jerry Fields
'82 XJ 'Sojourn'
'06 Concours
My Galleries Page.
My Blog Page.
"... life is just a honky-tonk show." Cherry Poppin' Daddy Strut
To Trade or Not to trade?
Hey there Jim,
I have an 81Special, it gets around 30mpg, so I, too, stop every 100miles for fillups, but after 100 miles, I'm ready for a short stretch and sip from the soda jug, etc. I've purchased a set of softside saddlebags for only $30 bucks, they work well enough until I can get my welding kit for Xmas, and then make my own set. I'm kinda of a do-it-yourselfer and my bike is a bit of a "RAT" anyways, so I'm not too worried about how they look as long as they are functional!!!! I bought mine STOCK in '83 with 15 miles on it, then after 9 years, the tranny went, parked it for another 9 years, then did a rebuild, put about $2500 into it, but I think it's a great bike, and very reliable, and plenty powerful for my needs. Mine is no longer fully stock looking, and I don't really care because it works fine!!
You mentioned that your bike is running hot, and you also mention that you have INDY filters and 4-1 pipes, and if the carbs haven't been worked on, you may be running OEM main jets, which could mean that you are running lean which can run hot!!!!
Your mileage would probably improve with a decent carb cleaning, synching. And possibly some larger main jets would help it not run so "Heatedly"!? Have you done a compression check to see the condition of the innards? If you have low comps, or very uneven, that could also degrade performance, mileage.
What do you really want to use this/a bike for mostly??? If you are only into long distance cruises, then you might be better off with a Harley clone, but if you want to be able to play in town as well, then you would be hard pressed to find a machine to beat this one.....FOR THE PRICE!
Come on now folks, surely there are others in the South Dakota area that can give Jim a hand in analyzing and tuning his machine!?!?! I know if I lived near you, I wouldn't hesitate to give you a hand!!!!!T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
the carbs have a stage 3 k&n jetting kit and as far as the compression test, thats something i had wanted to do, just dont have the gauge. I appreciate the thought topcat and I may know some guys who can help out. I actually am thinking im going to keep it and fix it up abit. (by the way, I bought it for 300 bucks!)Hi. I'm Jim, I'm here to party.
Re: true
Originally posted by jimgreenguy1
the carbs have a stage 3 k&n jetting kit and as far as the compression test, thats something i had wanted to do, just dont have the gauge. I appreciate the thought topcat and I may know some guys who can help out. I actually am thinking im going to keep it and fix it up abit. (by the way, I bought it for 300 bucks!)
Wow, that was fast, didn't notice if you were online at the time I was viewing and posting!??!? I just came back and checked and your new message was there.
I have read here on the list about trouble people have had with these Jetting kits, something about the main screw, that big brass tube that will slide out of the middle of the carb throat when you loosen and remove the main "JET" screw and washer, or just the main jets are not measured the same way as stock Mikuni's and such, and that they had a dicken's of a time trying to get it to work, and I think they went back to stock/Mikuni jets and that solved their problems??
I hope someone else chimes in here about this(K & N Stage 3 jet kits)!? I could be wrong, my memory isn't what it used to be. All I can tell you is that I had stock 110 mains, added the same type of breathing equipment, and after reading Mr. Harts dissertation on his white plugs, I got some 117.5's and now I have nice tan color, will report on Mileage after this weekend's NC rally, nice little 500+ mile run each way from Va. Good luck in the wrenching, I'm sure you'll get it working great soon!T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
jet kits and such
Ok,I have a stage 3 kit,no problems,stock intake and pipe but 1196 kit and cammed.Full dress and 117,000 km been across Canada from shore to shore(no small trip) NO problems other that it does like to drink...but dont most of us!!!The xs's will handle it,keep your xs!.....Will in the frozen north