Well, Took Miyami apart to change the cam chain, clean and inspect, YadaYadaYada. Got her put back together and realized that I mis-calculated one of my measurments on Cyl#4 exaust. Went to the tool box and got my trusty-always-there-when-I- don't-need-it Motion Pro tool to do the shim swap. I've already did the modification to the tool. Absolutly no way the bucket will push down. Keeps slipping off onto the head itself. Well, I say, Lets just modify it again. No such luck. The little tab does not like to get hit with a hammer. It will move away to sights unseen across the world of garagville to never be seen again. Needless to say, Gotta do it the hard way and loosen the cam What a pain in the butt. Done deal. New chain feels good. Valve adjustment is as close to perfect as she's gonna get ( within .03mm )
Now just to get the rest of her put back together. If anyone want's a broken Motion Pro valve tool, PM me with an addy and you can have the pos. Mabee a small bead welded on the tip and ground down might help but I've lost faith in worthless tools.
Now just to get the rest of her put back together. If anyone want's a broken Motion Pro valve tool, PM me with an addy and you can have the pos. Mabee a small bead welded on the tip and ground down might help but I've lost faith in worthless tools.
