About 6am I get up to go potty and when I laid back down I got this strange feeling like a light bulb getting dimmer and dimmer with tingling and some pain. When it subsided my wife checked my pulse and it was 26. Off the hospital. Come to find out one of my pacemaker leads had fractured. I got it about 18 months ago. So when they went to start the procecdure I flat lined, no pulse. They had to put temporary wires in from the crotch area and run a temporary pacemaker. They also gave some kind of drug where I couldnt move a muscle nor talk but could hear everything that was said. What would have been about a hour procedure took four hours. Anyway I came home after being in the hospital about 28 hours. Been just taking it easy this week and glad to be alive. Cant drive for two weeks or work out for three. Kinda paranoid now about pacemakers. Any of you ever heard of such a thing?
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My Fun Sunday
Sure, they're called Pickup Coil Wires!They can make and engine slow down real fast!
But, seriously, I did a search for Pacemaker leads breaking and found this site: Pacemaker's Club , you might find some helpful info there if you haven't seen it before?!
Keep up the pace!
T.C.T. C. Gresham
81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
History shows again and again,
How nature points out the folly of men!
Not a doctor, but work as a critical care paramedic. I have heard of various kinds of pacemaker failure, from batteris dieing much sooner than they are supposed, to something we call "Failure to capture," which basically means it doesn't cause the heart to beat anymore, to your problem. While my views are sckewed (Because I really only see the ones that have problems), I know that having one is better than not, and most of them never have problems.
Now, keep all that in mind, you might want to talk to your cardiologist about your concerns. I don't know why you are on a pacemaker, but there may be other options available, depending on what is wrong.I've been in more than one Hemisphere, and I wrote a book to help you do it too (or just prepare better for that week long road trip). Going Small, not just for the little guys.
"Now, keep all that in mind, you might want to talk to your cardiologist about your concerns. I don't know why you are on a pacemaker, but there may be other options available, depending on what is wrong."
Intially they said I had a total block and by that I guess they mean a electrical signal block. I was also checked for blocked arteries recently and didnt have any but they told me my heart was a little stiff and thick CHF. I was given no choice besides the pacemaker other than to feel bad or maybe expire at some point. Talking to the cardiolgist is like trying to talk to a alien at best.
I will research this on the web this time. Last time I just wanted to pretend it didnt happen. Maybe they used Lucas electrics instead on Nippon Denso.I wouldnt doubt anything.
PS Thanks TopCat for the link!Last edited by ZXDavid; 02-23-2007, 10:40 PM.1993 ZX11D
1979 CBX
1973 Z1
2001 ZX12R
When they say total block, you are correct that they are refering to the "electrical system" so to speak. A block is occuring between the atria and the ventricles and they beat independantly of eachother. An area in the atrium initiates all of your heart beats and if your atria and your ventricles are not communicating then your ventricles have to beat at their own rate wich is usually between 20 and 30 beats per min. That is usually not enough unless your name happens to be Lance Armstrong and you are at rest. This problem is usually fixed with a pacer as you have found out. I would not worry about it too much because they rarely have problems. Since you have already had a problem with yours, I would say that the odds are in your favor now!!!! I have seen the problems such as Pain was describing above, but I still feel that a pacer is a good decision unless you are worried about what you look like in a bikini! They are not without their problems, but I think that the problems are pretty isolated these days.Travis Miller
1978 E
Iam wondering now if I caused the problem. I followed their instructions the first time but Iam not sure they realize exactly what I do. Besides being a mechanic and riding motorcycles I also ride atvs and weight train. Ive been weight training for over 20 years and just two weeks ago I was barbell benching 315 for three reps. Could something like that stress the wires over a period of time? I mean with heavy lat pull downs and all the other movements I do in the gym I really wonder now. Do doctors actually realise what some of us do as normal activites? Also what if I got into a fight and someone starts pounding me in the area of the pacemaker? I mean yea Iam 52 and not out looking for trouble but you never know when trouble can find you. I wish Id never needed the stupid thing to begin with of course that goes with out saying for anyone I suppose.Last edited by ZXDavid; 02-24-2007, 08:37 PM.1993 ZX11D
1979 CBX
1973 Z1
2001 ZX12R
I squat liftred 600 lbs once when my xs11 fell off the ramp coming off my pick -up, there I was, one wheel on the tailgate the other half on the ramp and half on the ground and me lifting the whole thing, mad as hell at putting myself in this situation! Funny how strong you become when your mad as hell and raving like a lunatic!
BruceBruce Doucette
Phone #1 902 827 3217
Originally posted by ZXDavid
two weeks ago I was barbell benching 315 for three reps. Could something like that stress the wires over a period of time? I mean with heavy lat pull downs and all the other movements I do in the gym I really wonder now. Do doctors actually realise what some of us do as normal activites? Also what if I got into a fight and someone starts pounding me in the area of the pacemaker? I mean yea Iam 52 and not out looking for trouble but you never know when trouble can find you. I wish Id never needed the stupid thing to begin with of course that goes with out saying for anyone I suppose.
And, because of the electrical block, there really isn't anything other than a pacemaker that can help. Continuing physical activity is a good idea, but you should be thinking more cardio, and less muscle building. Unless that is a cardio workout for you, in which case I can't see who would be dumb enough to hit you in the chest.I've been in more than one Hemisphere, and I wrote a book to help you do it too (or just prepare better for that week long road trip). Going Small, not just for the little guys.
I concer with everything that Pain said. I was an avid weight lifter until last year. Got a hernia and had to lay off of the Heavy Stuff. I was in the same ballpark as you. Working out with 315 or so for 4-6 reps. 365 for 6 on decline is my best ever training lift. Nowdays I have switched. I have done a complete 360. I am training for a triathlon. Run about 20-25 miles a week, bike about 100 and swim about 5. I wish that I would have started this earlier. Feel much better and clothes fit much better. Not saying that this is what you should do, but has been great for me. As long as you are getting some activity I think it has to be better than the alternative. (dead).Travis Miller
1978 E