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Want your bike photo on a calendar?

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  • Want your bike photo on a calendar?

    I got this bright idea while posting to HobbyMan’s thread “Bike Photo’s.” If you haven’t been there you must go NOW, and then come back!

    What amazingly beautiful and imaginative bikes, yes? Wouldn’t it be great to have a 2008 calendar featuring these, and other custom and restored XS/XJ’s ? I have a friend who is a publisher who might cut me a good deal, and I’ve had a couple of courses in PhotoShop and Illustrator. I could turn them out by next year and they would probably sell for $15 to $20 each. I would hope to at least cover cost, and if I made anything over that I would certainly contribute to the web site kitty!
    What do you think?
    Old bikers never die, they're just out of sight!

    My recently re-built, hopped up '79 Special caught fire and burned everything from the top of the engine up: gas tank, wiring, seat, & melted my windshield all over the front of the bike. Just bought a 1980 Special that has been non oped for 9 years. My Skoot will rise from the ashes and be re named "The Phoenix!"
    I've been riding since 1959.

  • #2
    Hey Liberty,

    As much as I might want MINE on a calender, it's not pretty enough IMHO for that, as well as for others!

    But, I'll be the first to suggest a few that have shown here that I think would be great for the calender, and I would be willing to get one.

    1.) It's hard to decide from all of the pristine MNS in that recent thread....hmmm, might have to make it a 16 month calender?

    2) Mathh's supermod!

    3) The Thor SUPERMOD!

    4) DennyZ's fine Standard Street fighter!

    5) Maximan's XJ

    6) Randy's Standard Swamp thing before and after pix!!

    More to come!
    T. C. Gresham
    81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
    79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
    History shows again and again,
    How nature points out the folly of men!


    • #3
      Ohh, Ohh, more ideas!!

      Was thinking while in the shower!

      To make these more personalized, I know there are calenders that have photos in the days section, so we could submit our HUMBLE personal bikes to be posted on our B'days with just our XS11 usernames for ID Theft protection, but that way OUR own bikes would still be in the calenders, but we could still have the Cream of the Crop photos for the MAIN month pictures!!

      Also, themes, like Ken Talbot's fine Black Ice photo could be for January, Mathh's supreme mod could be for a Xmas Wish List photo??

      I liked the Surfing XS11 photo for the middle of summer!

      Perhaps some ACTION shots of our bikes during certain rallies at certain times of the year, like XS East, The Oct. TWO rally, the PNW folks, The Texsives, etc.! However, I think for the most part, the static photos need to be of the BIKES ALONE, since we're really celebrating the XS11, not so much the specific owners! JMHO.

      I know there's a custom XS11 with the Green Bay Packers theme that could be for the Month football season starts....sorry, don't remember the exact month...not a big football fan!?

      Beside the MAIN photos in a little column inset we need the history of the bike, model, mods done, etc.!!!

      Liberty, you may have opened a big can o worms with this one, good thing you're shooting for 2008! Shame you didnt' come up with this idea sooner, for the 25th anniversary of the debut of the XS11 which is 2007!

      Okay, folks, let's RUN WITH THIS ONE!!!!!!
      T. C. Gresham
      81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
      79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
      History shows again and again,
      How nature points out the folly of men!


      • #4
        Geez T.C.!

        You're talking about a BOOK rather than a calendar...


        For my two cents on what bikes I'd like to see along with the few that T.C. named...

        Hippie Dave

        Funny... I don't normally like the look of the Standards as much as the Specials... but these really impressed me...

        of course... you don't want to leave out the XJs (do you?)
        As I recall... Maximan's looks pretty dang good... and trbig's... well... Maximan's looks really good...
        (just kidding Tod)

        81 SH Something Special
        81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels

        81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
        80 LG Black Magic
        78 E Standard Practice

        James 3:17

        If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.

        “Alis Volat Propriis”

        Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
        For those on FB


        • #5
          I'd really like to see 2 calenders - one containing stock bikes and one containing customs. Oh yeah, don't forget AkMac's chrome goodness.


          • #6
            On the Yamaha Venture site one of our members puts together a calender and a company called "Cafepress" not only prints them, they sell and mail them out as well. I do not know any thing about the financial end of it. I imagine thay take a cut out of the cost (about $15-20) and I do not know if the club or the person doing the work get a cut either.
            It is a really nice calender. Each month has a main feature bike and then several smaller pictures around the outside edges.
            The pictures are sent in by members and usually are taken on rides the sender had been on with fellow Venturers and other friends as well.
            This is just an option for you getting them made and mailing out yourself.

            Don Hughes
            Ex-1978 E
            Ex-1985 Yamaha Venture Royale
            1991 Yamaha Venture Royale
            1990 Honda Goldwing


            • #7
              I think we should make sure all rally photos are put into the pot for selection into the calender. We should have a photo of every model and year. Maby there could be one page at the end that was just photos? If the calender deal was locked in, we should all probably send in some mondey in advance to offset the cost of producing them. What does everyone think? One more thought, maby we could get most of the people on the XS site for one rally and take a large photo of everyones bike?
              United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
              If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
              "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
              "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
              Acta Non Verba


              • #8
                tadracer gets my vote...

                how about an eleven rat bike calender, i guess there wouldn't be enough paper on earth.

                but i'm a standard guy, body, paint and tires, tires really help witht the look, and maybe i'll be in 08
                Last edited by mason79; 01-20-2007, 11:48 PM.
                "a good man knows his limitations" dirty harry
                85 Yamaha FJ 1100
                79 yamaha xs1100f
                03 honda cbr 600 f4
                91 yamaha fzr 600
                84 yamaha fj 1100
                82 yamaha seca 750
                87 yamaha fazer
                86 yamaha maxim x
                82 yamaha vision
                78 yamaha rd 400


                • #9
                  Speaking of photos....

                  I have a program that makes those "photomosaics" you see around. You know, the pictures made of hundereds (or more)pictures.

                  It would be cool to make a big picture of as XS out of a bunch of pictures of all the members bikes here. The thing is, it takes LOTS of pictures for it to work well. 250 is a good baseline, 500 is better. They dont necessarily have to be good pictures, just a picture of a bike. They will be really small in the final image.

                  They have to be rather small, too. 320X240 at the most.

                  If ya'll would be interested in doing it, I'll set up a place where they can be uploaded or an email account or something and get the collection started.
                  80 XS1100SG
                  81 XS400SH

                  Some men miss opportunity because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison

                  A Few Animations I've Made


                  • #10
                    Just a comment from one who does this stuffs...(blatent plug...check the link in my sig for the "stuffs I does")

                    I saw cafepress mentioned...they do an okay job...

                    But check out

                    Much better pricing for bound print stuff (and CD's as well)
                    Daniel Meyer
                    Author. Adventurer. Electrician.
                    Find out why...It's About the Ride.


                    • #11

                      my daughter-in-law and son give us calanders of grandkids for X-mas every year. just pics they have taken at different times of the year. will ask her who does it for her.
                      when you want something bad enough, don't let anything stand in your way, and don't take "no" for an answer. EVER

                      80 sg (old faithfull)


                      • #12
                        Thanks for the input, but don’t stop here! I seem to have hit a responsive chord. Lot’s of great ideas.
                        Of course a calendar doesn’t have to start with the first month of the year. Someone suggested an 18 month calendar. If it started say July 2007 we could still celebrate the 25th anniversary, and get in more photos.
                        Of course I have my favorites. Maximans “Zilla,” DragXS11’s beauty, and Jerry’s trailer rig top my list, mostly because I have seen them up close and personal, and know how cool they are. I am flattered that some think my “Surfing XS” should be included as a novelty.

                        Here are some tips on photography.
                        Try to avoid “back lighting.” Use “fill in flash” whenever possible so that the details of your bike can be seen clearly if it is backlighted. (The picture I posted is a good example of a photo that needed fill in flash. It could have been corrected with “burning” in PhotoShop, but my antiquated computer was being ornery, and I wanted to get it posted!)
                        It is some times helpful to use a large sheet of white poster board or other reflective surface to reflect light back onto your bike to fill in those dark shadowy areas.
                        Avoid a cluttered setting. Be especially conscious of the background. There is nothing as distracting as having a tree growing out of your bikes headlight or gas tank!
                        I can “dodge and burn,” crop, and do a certain amount of color and contrast adjustment in PhotoShop, but the better the original photo the better.

                        Yes Mason, I to dig Rat Bikes, and I think they should be included.

                        Wildcat: perhaps a “coffee table” book might be in order.

                        HobbyMan: a shot of each model? Maybe, if we can find them.

                        It might be a bit difficult to include everyone’s ideas into one publication, and I can already see the potential for the seeds of discontent being sown. Let’s knock it around a bit more. I would like some suggestions as to the best format for transmitting high quality photos for publication.

                        Bear in mind: even a fairly simple publication is going to be very time consuming for someone who doesn’t work with Illustrator and PhotoShop daily. I believe in the KISS principal: Keep It Simple Stupid! A simple work well done is better than a complicated one done poorly I think.

                        Keep posting photo’s to HobbyMan’s site, not here. Let’s save this one for ideas and discussion!
                        Old bikers never die, they're just out of sight!

                        My recently re-built, hopped up '79 Special caught fire and burned everything from the top of the engine up: gas tank, wiring, seat, & melted my windshield all over the front of the bike. Just bought a 1980 Special that has been non oped for 9 years. My Skoot will rise from the ashes and be re named "The Phoenix!"
                        I've been riding since 1959.


                        • #13
                          Is it ok if we are in the photo? I had some professional SR. High school photos taking with my 80G. They look Awesome. Maby I could be edited out. They wanted to borrow my bike for more photos but I wouldnt let them. Also, they used some of my photos as thier professional examples to hand on the wall. If not them, I will take some just of the bike. Should we continue to post in the photos section or do we need a place to dump them in one pile. MAby a photodump acount that everyone could upload one photo and then a somone could select the best? Since that is free and it would be dedicated for this project it would be easy to maintain. Just another thought
                          United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
                          If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
                          "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
                          "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
                          Acta Non Verba


                          • #14
                            I love ALL the ideas! I really like the idea of having a featured bike and then some smaller ones each month. We can make sure the people with birthdays have their pic on their month.
                            My Ex!"Half-Breed"
                            '82 XJ1100 Maxim with
                            '80 XS1100SG Motor

                            Current Bike
                            2000 Indian Chief
                            Millennium Edition


                            • #15
                              Might want to be careful...

                              I had some professional SR. High school photos taking with my 80G.
                              Using professional photos can lead to copyright infringement... Don't want to tread on any legal toes...

                              As far as individuals in the picture... IMHO... if the bike is still... no people... if it is an action shot.. yes people...
                              (no invisible people pulling wheelies... unless they fell off... and nobody wants a pic of them doing that... Do they?)

                              Just let us know what you want to do Ed... Looks like you've got a LOT of ideas to go with here... and LOTS of help to do it...
                              81 SH Something Special
                              81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels

                              79 SF MEAUQABEAUXS
                              81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
                              80 LG Black Magic
                              78 E Standard Practice

                              James 3:17

                              If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.

                              “Alis Volat Propriis”

                              Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
                              For those on FB

