Any other members Linux users? I switched to linux full time last year and am very happy with it. No more viruses, spyware, malware, trojans, and BSOD. Less time working with my pc instead of on it!
Even if you have no plans to run linux, you should still have a bootable livecd handy. That way when your windows system crashes you can boot up to a fully usable desktop, and back your data up on cd-r or dvd-r (before you wipe your hd..again).
As a linux user I can, and will recommend PCLinuxOS because it is what i use on a day to day basis. You can download the .iso, burn the cd, boot up and try the operating sytem (from the cd) which apps for all normal needs. If you like what you see, you can click the "install to hd button" on the desktop to start the install wizard. You can also browse the web, read xs11.com, listen to streaming audio While the OS is installing! Do that with windows! This give you a chance to see how the os works with your hardware, Before installing to the hard drive. The best thing about PCLinuxOS is Synaptic software manager. It works like windows update, but not only updates your system files, you can install and remove any of the 6000 software packages in the repository..for free of course. Another thing is PCLinux os picks up almost all hardware, and you won't need a giant stack of driver disks.
If you have never tried Linux, try it.
If you tried it and hated it more than 2-3 years, try it again.
I tried redhat in 1998, took me a week to install, another week to get to a gui desktop, 3rd week figure how to install software. after all of that it fast & stable but all the apps were poor.
Man has that changed, all for the better.
PCLinuxOS is the sweetest OS in the Open Source world.
Any other members Linux users? I switched to linux full time last year and am very happy with it. No more viruses, spyware, malware, trojans, and BSOD. Less time working with my pc instead of on it!
Even if you have no plans to run linux, you should still have a bootable livecd handy. That way when your windows system crashes you can boot up to a fully usable desktop, and back your data up on cd-r or dvd-r (before you wipe your hd..again).
As a linux user I can, and will recommend PCLinuxOS because it is what i use on a day to day basis. You can download the .iso, burn the cd, boot up and try the operating sytem (from the cd) which apps for all normal needs. If you like what you see, you can click the "install to hd button" on the desktop to start the install wizard. You can also browse the web, read xs11.com, listen to streaming audio While the OS is installing! Do that with windows! This give you a chance to see how the os works with your hardware, Before installing to the hard drive. The best thing about PCLinuxOS is Synaptic software manager. It works like windows update, but not only updates your system files, you can install and remove any of the 6000 software packages in the repository..for free of course. Another thing is PCLinux os picks up almost all hardware, and you won't need a giant stack of driver disks.
If you have never tried Linux, try it.
If you tried it and hated it more than 2-3 years, try it again.
I tried redhat in 1998, took me a week to install, another week to get to a gui desktop, 3rd week figure how to install software. after all of that it fast & stable but all the apps were poor.
Man has that changed, all for the better.
PCLinuxOS is the sweetest OS in the Open Source world.