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Texans unite!!!!

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  • Texans unite!!!!

    Heard on the news this morning we have a senator that wants TeXS to adopt Kali-four-ya emmision standards!!! They actually had some dipstick saying the US carmakers continue to make cars/trucks that don't meet standards so they are losing there market share to the imports. Sounds like another way to drain the wallet.

    I'm gonna keep my eye on this one. I know long ago, if you had an older car/truck/motorcycle that did not have "current" emmision stuff, Kali-four-nia would make ya pay more.

    This has got to be up there with the other TeXS politician that wants to give hunting licences to blind people.
    When a 10 isn't enough, get a 11. 80g Hardbagger

  • #2
    Hunting license...

    Hell, if they allow Dick Cheney a license, blind people should qualify and they probably won't shoot the guy to their right.....

    Probably should keep your eye on the water powered car.....
    You can't stay young forever, but you can be immature for the rest of your life...

    '78E "Pathfinder" Show bike...
    Lovingly restored by Dave Delzell
    Drilled airbox
    Tkat fork brace
    Hardly mufflers
    late model carbs
    Newer style fuses
    Oil pressure guage
    Custom security system
    Stainless braid brake lines


    • #3
      Personally, In my travels, the US is one of the cleanest countries around. (talking about vehicle emissions) The only problem is that we have more of them. In stead of making unreasonable demands, we should concentrate on mass transportation( trains, buses, etc) If you had two choices, help solve the problem, or treat the after affects, Which would you do? It just goes to show you how screwed up some of the politicians really are. Hey, there was an 18yr old that became the mayor of a city a while back, maby I could run for governor. I think I could at least beat Kinky. I want to say that I am a hard core republican, but I don't like Rick Perry. I heard a while ago about some attemps to sell off our State parks to developers! By word of mouth, I heard that he was involved in an attempt to sell half Big Bend Ranch State park. Heard of Texas State RR? Fundind has been cut for that. Their last run is cooming up soon. I know these subjects are off topic, but they show you where the politicians have their minds. THere is plenty of money to go around for the state parks, but there is a limit to what they can recieve. The State wants its parks to "suppport themselves." What a joke. Whenever I want to go camping, I go out of state to Louisianna or Oklahoma. Anyway, somehow we can't afford to pay teacher's saliaries and maintain state parks, but we have enough funding to build a stupid wall and build some stupid "Trans Texas Corridor" to Mexico. Nowdays, I just think someone turned out the lights and they haven't figured out that they can't see anything. We are going nowhere fast, to hell in a hand basket!
      United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
      If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
      "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
      "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
      Acta Non Verba


      • #4
        Actually, we don't have the money for the Trans Texas Corridor. Our governor sold off that part of the highway system to a Spanish consortium. They build the road, they collect the tolls from it. So folks who drive on that road will be paying some company in Spain to drive on the Texas road system.


        The glorious rays of the rising sun exist only to create shadows in which doom may hide.

        XS11F (Incubus, daily rider)
        1969 Yamaha DT1B
        Five other bikes whose names do not begin with "Y"


        • #5
          That still goes to show how scewed up our gov't is right now. Yeah, its a good sytem and It is better than many others, but we could be doing a LOT better. If we just had some truly honest and smart people in gov't we wouldn't be having these problems. BTW: There is no way that I would put a catlytic converter on my boat or bike. NO WAY
          United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
          If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
          "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
          "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
          Acta Non Verba


          • #6
            They might as well go to California emissions. There's more Californians leaving their state to go to Texas DAILY.

            Texas is starting to look more and more like California with near 30 million people and more illegals than you can shake a stick at.

            Of course I was born and raised in west Texas about two softball tosses from the border. The invasion from the south is nothing new. It's been going on for at least 40 years that I know of. It's just that now "Pedro" isn't coming by himself and staying in the border states to return home with a pocket full of untaxed cash.

            Nope...NOW he's bringing the wife...8 kids AND grandma. Then he's going as far north as possible (Maine, New Hampshire, etc) actually everywhere.

            I think the reason this is starting to be an issue is because it's affecting all states everywhere...not just Texas, Arizona, and NM. We were begging our lawmakers to do something about in in the 70's and nothing happened.

            I fully suspect nothing will ever happen and in a matter of a few years we'll be reduced to a third world nation.

   that's a thought. Then we'll be exempt from Kyoto...because Kyoto only calls for developed nations to carry the brunt of the draconian laws.


            • #7
              Originally posted by HobbyMan
              We are going nowhere fast, to hell in a hand basket!
              Andrew...get up to speed. We are nOT goig to hell in a handbasket. A hand basket won't move enough mass.

              We are going to hell in a TEREX DUMP TRUCK!


              • #8
                I am glad you could put it in better words
                United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
                If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
                "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
                "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
                Acta Non Verba


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MAXIMAN

                  We are going to hell in a TEREX DUMP TRUCK!
                  Not a good choice either, they won,t stay running long enough.
                  When a 10 isn't enough, get a 11. 80g Hardbagger


                  • #10
                    What about this one?
                    United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, NY
                    If I can do it at 18 yrs old, anyone can
                    "You know something, You can't polish a turd"
                    "What are you rebelling against", "Well, what do you got?"
                    Acta Non Verba


                    • #11
                      I hate to say it but it looks like we're sliding down the slippery slope to civil war. I hope I'm wrong.

                      Hi my name is Tony and I'm a bikeoholic.

                      The old gray biker ain't what he used to be.

