Had an unusual situation happen last Sunday while riding with Ken D (Ratbyke). We were clipping along one of the nice rural roads here on Vancouver Island, going through bands of light and dark, created by a strong afternoon sunlight. I was ahead and entered into a broad curve with a large swath of shade across it. I had glanced at the road surface, but was concentrating on the end of the curve, looking through the curve to the next turn. I had just entered the turn when my front end moved over about 6cm (2"). It was curious feeling, as the road was completely dry, and of course, by the time I realized what had happened, it was over! At the next stop I told Ken about the front end skid, in case he had observed something, then we carried on. It wasn't until later in the day that it occurred to me that I had likely skidded on one of those lovely Slugs! Those of you living in coastal B.C. and Washington will know what I mean. They are about 12-15cm long (~5"), come in various colours, and are well coated with mucus. I had seen a few on the road previous that day, but did not connect the skid with the slugs until later. Not sure what was bringing them out on a dry road in the middle of the day...could be their mating season. If it was a slug, it effectively removed itself from the gene pool
