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Is anyone bothered by this?

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  • #16
    I don't think you can blame the skool sysyem . Look at the ages of most people posting in here. Seems that a lot are in their 40's and 50's. From an era where the school system wasn't "dropping the ball".
    This is a faster-paced world we live in now. We need to adapt or get left behind.
    When I was taking courses at an automotive trade school us kids just out of High School would point out misspelled words to the instructor. He would reply "who makes more money, me or you. Now shut-up and learn something".
    Just because someone isn't eloquent with their verbage dosen't mean that don't know what they're talking about. You just have a problem understanding.
    Pat Kelly

    1978 XS1100E (The Force)
    1980 XS1100LG (The Dark Side)
    2007 Dodge Ram 2500 quad-cab long-bed (Wifes ride)
    1999 Suburban (The Ship)
    1994 Dodge Spirit (Son #1)
    1968 F100 (Valentine)

    "No one is totally useless. They can always be used as a bad example"


    • #17
      &quot;Oh Heavens!&quot;

      can only print if I want it to be ledgible)
      Make that "LEGIBLE"... Damned reading glasses missing again!
      "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


      • #18
        &quot;Where's your Grammer?&quot; &quot;She's sitting right next to Grampa, why?&quot;

        When I was taking courses at an automotive trade school us kids...
        "We", Pat, should be "we kids".
        "We would point out", not "Us would point out"
        (Oh, I'm gonna get it now!)
        "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


        • #19
          &quot;May&quot; I reply again?

          Originally posted by prometheus578
          Ah... the ol' women and tire comparison.
          Well.. I like 'em medium width. Not to fat and not to skinny. Scars and blemishes are OK, as they add character.

          Mag wheels are the best...I despise tires, and womenwho "spoke" too much.
          But, I do proofread to ensure that my meaning is clear and easy for others to understand.
          Sometimes, eh Prom!! Wow, I would have never guessed that you were a 2 fingered typist! A 2 fisted drinker, yes, but not a typist!!

          Shhhh, I won't tell Tod!! But at least you got 1 out of three!

          BTW, I don't like my women loose, I like them real TIGHT!

          In my mind, an RPM is "a" revolution per minute, singular, so when I want to talk about more than one RPM, I use the "s", but not the apostrophe, just capitalize RPM and add the little plural designator "s" at the end.....sorry HobbyMan!

          Now, if someone can explain the difference between further and farther I would appreciate it!
          T. C. Gresham
          81SH "Godzilla" . . .1179cc super-rat.
          79SF "The Teacher" . . .basket case!
          History shows again and again,
          How nature points out the folly of men!


          • #20
            Was not gona mention it

            Why does everybody gota yell at me.
            I ain't blind..........yet

            mro <<<<<see???
            Yo prom, " ledgible"? ain't no "d" suposed ta ben en dat werd


            • #21
              'How dare you embarrass me in pubic!&quot;

              Ah, T.C., I saw you lurking at the top of the page so figgered I'd check back right quick.
              Yeah, thanks fer pointin' that out to me. Yes, I DO know the difference, just get rushed at times. (mind moves faster than my two fingers)
              Farther should be used for measures of distance. Further for reference to degrees, time or quantity. (From Webster's)
              "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


              • #22
                Go to the john and come back and finish post and there’s 4 other posts already there.

                Well, better late than whatever...........



                • #23
                  &quot;A little slow-witted tonight, MRO?&quot;

                  Geez, MRO. I posted my "self-correction" at 9:01 and you posted at 9:24 to correct me. It took you 23 minutes to type three sentences?
                  (And I'll thank you, sir, to capitalize my name from now on)
                  "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                  • #24
                    I got stuck in the same time-warp, MRO.
                    "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


                    • #25
                      Well, I can get 40-50 words a minute (WPM's?? ) with my 2 fingers. So does that mean I could get X5 more if i would actually learn to type? 200-250 words a minute... I'd be dang near as fast as TC!!
                      As for Pro... I find my fingers working faster than my brain sometimes and puting tooo many O's! lol.

                      Try your hardest to be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.

                      You can live to be 100, as long as you give up everything that would make you want to live to be 100!

                      Current bikes:
                      '06 Suzuki DR650
                      *'82 XJ1100 with the 1179 kit. "Mad Maxim"
                      '82 XJ1100 Completely stock fixer-upper
                      '82 XJ1100 Bagger fixer-upper
                      '82 XJ1100 Motor/frame and lots of boxes of parts
                      '82 XJ1100 Parts bike
                      '81 XS1100 Special
                      '81 YZ250
                      '80 XS850 Special
                      '80 XR100
                      *Crashed/Totalled, still own


                      • #26
                        Geez, MRO. I posted my "self-correction" at 9:01 and you posted at 9:24 to correct me. It took you 23 minutes to type three sentences?
                        Had floaters



                        • #27
                          But, I do proofread to ensure that my meaning is clear and easy for others to understand.
                          .. thats it for me too, i could care less about how it looks, as long as people understand what i'm saying.
                          i am gifted with a very smart and beautiful spell checker, who is laying right behind me at this moment, buns up, reading a book. but some times she is asleep and i get stuck and thats when the true me is written.
                          ..i'm happy to see so many others out there that cant write or spell, makes me feel rite at home. although my spelling/writing has improved considerably since i have joined this site, i'm not here to learn to write, i am here because i love this motorcycle and want to learn all i can about it [and it's cool to yap with so many others that love there XS11s too].

                          btw, i type with only one finger, and it is the one i would show whomever has a problem with the way i write.

                          this thread reminds me of the way all of the wanna-be biker fags talk about people who dont ride Harleys. i hear this same kinda sh!t every day at work.
                          "so, you can spell and write a purty sentence, you aint got a Harley- you aint sh!t."


                          • #28
                            Damn, ahm afraid to write annythin' now!
                            Maybe ah shud just hang it up and commit supuku. Y'now, just kill m'self. Now every post, I gotta doit in Microsoft Word so I can spell- check it, proof read it, and have it gone over by a proof reader before I post. Seems lahk a lota trouble to me for a f#$& biker site!!!
                            Old bikers never die, they're just out of sight!

                            My recently re-built, hopped up '79 Special caught fire and burned everything from the top of the engine up: gas tank, wiring, seat, & melted my windshield all over the front of the bike. Just bought a 1980 Special that has been non oped for 9 years. My Skoot will rise from the ashes and be re named "The Phoenix!"
                            I've been riding since 1959.


                            • #29
                              Don't worry Ed...

                              I figure you are speaking Scottish...

                              As for the school system... which was pointed out that it really isn't a valid point at this forum (except for HobbyMan and he holds his own rather well... )
                              I was teaching a lesson to a young child a couple of weeks ago... His teenage babysitter happened to be standing over his shoulder listening to the conversation that he and I were having. He was telling me that something was "badder" than another thing.
                              She tossled his hair and smiled as she corrected him, "You mean... worser."

                              I don't think that typos or poor spelling were really what he meant when Burly1 posted. Heaven knows I make enough typos... no matter how many times I proofread my stuff... they always seem to slip through. I think it is more the sentences that have no end... questions that you don't realize are questions until the third time you read the post... the substituting "u" for "you" and the "r" for "are" stuff... text talk.

                              I find my fingers working faster than my brain sometimes and puting tooo many O's!
                              While I can see how your fingers would be working faster than your brain... I did have a question... Puting too many O's?
                              Is that a nice way to say passing orgasms? Biting my tongue again...
                              (Why bite my tongue? Because the thoughts are more vulgar than I care to admit.)

                              81 SH Something Special
                              81 frame, 80 tank and side covers, 79 tail light and carbs, 78 engine, 750 final drive mod, Geezer rec/reg, 140 mains, LH wheels

                              79 SF MEAUQABEAUXS
                              81SH Nor'eas tah (Old Red)
                              80 LG Black Magic
                              78 E Standard Practice

                              James 3:17

                              If I can make at least one person smile, or pee their pants a little, or maybe spit out their drink; then my day is not wasted.

                              “Alis Volat Propriis”

                              Yamaha XS 1100 Classic
                              For those on FB


                              • #30
                                I was riding along and the bike started to loose power.

                                I was riding along and the bike started shooting lightning bolts and death rays.
                                RPM is the same form as MPH. One would not speak of MPHs, right? "Dude, I was going 100 MPHs when the bike started loosing power."
                                Spell check won't fix things like then/than, their/they're/there, to/too/two.
                                I am amazed at the memos I get at work, in which the above confusions appear.
                                I was looking at a web site for currency trading. The verbiage explaining how wonderful their system was, contained numerous misspellings and grammatical errors. If they can't take the time to proofread their advertisement, how careful will they be with my money? I passed on that one.

                                We are not writing memos or advertising for business here, so no big deal. However, instructions or questions should be as clear and concise as is possible. I read some of the questions asked on the Forum, intending to help if I can, but sometimes I can't quite figure out what the heck they're talking about.

                                I know that being 50 I was subjected to all manner of unPC schooling. But to me, words are a lot like numbers. The more precise, the better.

