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Nextel Cup?

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  • Nextel Cup?

    Whose gonna take the cup this year? Mark Martin fan myself.....any body watch nascar? when your not on the road on with your Eleven that about Tony Stuart coastin across the finish line to victory, how lucky was that!!

    78XS1100 Alpha
    79XS1100 Special

    Wanna get to a Nascar track one day!
    Bruce Doucette
    Phone #1 902 827 3217

  • #2
    Ya ya

    huge fan ,but not of tony! i love the guy people hate. and he will have number5
    1982 XJ 1100
    going strong after 60,000 miles

    The new and not yet improved TRIXY
    now in the stable. 1982 xj11, 18,000miles


    • #3

      Can you say 10 points out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Yea!
      '80 XS1100LG


      • #4
        Oh... I think Kenseth in the end, but that's me. I actually haul and show an original car for Ryan Newman. I do like him, but I don't really have a favorite. It's cool to be able to drive it on/off the trailer, and talk to all the fans. My friends love the movie I took of me doing a burn out and donut with it in a parking lot. I got to see qualifying at Lowes last year. That was pretty cool, but sitting in the Alltel corporate suite watching that Busch race was pretty cool too. Bring on the free food and drinks! Ryan won too! What a night. Ole "rocket man" didn't quite make the chase this year...maybe next year. Please. I want to keep my job another year!

        It was funny when I had to do a short news spot for a local tv station in Sturgis this year. Here I stand next to the racecar wearing my Alltel apparel with the race nearing the end and Newman in like 20th place. The news guy asks me "So, who do you think is going to win?" Uhhh....again. Please. I want to keep my job another year! So I look like a complete dork and say "Well I'd have to say newman in the number 12 Alltel Dodge." (man I'm sure glad my friends won't see it)

        Changing the oil in my Dad's shop. Made his day to have it in there.
        "If it weren't for a budget I'd be bored."

        79 xs11sf - Rented Mule
        80 xs11sg
        81 sr250t- sold to Pain

