Ride for Work Day
I didn’t know there was a “Ride to Work Day” either. I’m lucky: virtually every day is a “Ride for Work Day!” I’m a wood floor contractor and I take care of a surprising amount of business on my “79 XS11 S!
I do estimates, bill collecting and pick up small supplies… not bundles of wood of course.
When I was a teenager growing up in Lubbock Texas I would have fantasies of finding a way to make a living riding a bike… somewhere near the ocean, with trees, lakes, curving roads that weren’t laid out on a N E S W grid. Now if I could just make money. Santa Cruz County vies with San Francisco and Manhattan for the title of “Most Expensive Place to Live in America.”
Ah well, ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances.
My door is open to anyone east of here that wants to come out to the “Left Coast.”
I didn’t know there was a “Ride to Work Day” either. I’m lucky: virtually every day is a “Ride for Work Day!” I’m a wood floor contractor and I take care of a surprising amount of business on my “79 XS11 S!
I do estimates, bill collecting and pick up small supplies… not bundles of wood of course.
When I was a teenager growing up in Lubbock Texas I would have fantasies of finding a way to make a living riding a bike… somewhere near the ocean, with trees, lakes, curving roads that weren’t laid out on a N E S W grid. Now if I could just make money. Santa Cruz County vies with San Francisco and Manhattan for the title of “Most Expensive Place to Live in America.”
Ah well, ya pays yer money and ya takes yer chances.
My door is open to anyone east of here that wants to come out to the “Left Coast.”
