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  • #16
    What you say

    "What a dick!"
    Compose your photos carefully, gentlemen. I spot and comment on clean/cluttered garages, Pics of beautiful bikes (with oil stains on the floor underneath), lawns that need tendin'... just about any detail that there is to find.
    hey GNEPIG

    know who quote is from



    • #17
      "I see how it is..."

      What... is there some sort of secret file that's being kept on people? ala Homeland Security?
      "You Honor... I'd like to enter into evidence some of the qoutes that the defendant has made over the years..."
      If it wasn't for the fact that I have low moral charactor, I'd be outraged.
      As for "Owner's Group" web sites... just tried getting back on the Victory site to see if a customer's complaint has been experienced by others and what the quick cure is. One now must join and it's a pay site of some sort. A great disservice, it is.
      There's a lot of info and experience on this site that's not covered in any manual: DennyZ's jetting tips, Randy's Ignitor Box repairs, Geezer's regulator tips, Ken's "carb float pin tool", second gear fixes, to name but a few out of the many.
      Plus, you get to poke fun at people!

      (My son still hates me for showing up at his "Parent/Teacher" conference looking like that! Or was it because I handed the invitation back to his English teacher, after I had corrected his spelling and punctuation errors for him? English teachers... Bah! "I got your Dangling Participle hangin' right here, Buddy.")
      "Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor, not a mechanic!' ('Bones' McCoy)


      • #18
        Guilty Conscience???

        What... is there some sort of secret file that's being kept on people?

        Don't think I've been putting any names to things I've posted

        Was that you?
        (if the boot goatee fits.....)

        Plus, you get to poke fun at people!
        Third best part of this site

        Last edited by mro; 07-21-2006, 07:50 AM.


        • #19
          This site is "it" BECAUSE you can poke fun at people, as you try to help them through whatever problem they may have. At times, it is related to the XS11, other times, it's just a problem....
          We don't care, and if you look at the "other bike" forum, you will see a LOT of the trouble shooting can be carried over to most other forms of mechanical contraptions.
          Ray Matteis
          XS1100 E '78 (winter project)
          XS1100 SF Bob Jones worked on it!

