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New Zealand Bound!

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  • New Zealand Bound!

    Hey guys, I haven't been out on the bike ('81 standard goldwing) much this year, missed the rallies and such... and I kind of regret that now. I'm planning on going on extended vacation in New Zealand starting early September. I have offer of work in Auckland and will be away from Canada indefinately. I will be selling my bike soon - probably give it to my brother.

    So this is good news for me, off on another Great Adventure. After New Zealand, my current next place to go is Taiwan where I will teach english to get by.[*] I am trying to get a bunch of stuff packed into this summer... I've been on a canoe trip, camping, stuff like that - but not a good bike trip and time is slipping away. Gary, maybe I'll swing down and visit ya sometime in August.

    Hope y'all are doing great,
    [*] All plans are subject to change without prior notice

  • #2
    Hi Ron,
    Jim and I are putting some local rides together so give us a call and don't leave without a getm together.
    1981 XS1100 H Venturer ( Addie)
    1983 XJ 650 Maxim
    2004 Kawasaki Concours. ( Black Bear)


    • #3
      Ron .......Way cool
      come by to pickup your T shirt and to talk to Claire about NewZealand over dinner some nigh ......and answer your phone
      Seamus Ó hUrmholtaigh
      Niimi Moozhwaagan

      NOTICE: No trees were destroyed in the sending of this message. We do concede, however, that a significant number of electrons may have been inconvenienced.

      Any connection between your reality and mine is purely coincidental.

      Member of "FOXS-11" (Former Owner of XS-11)
      and SOXS
      2008 Nomad "Deja Buick'


      • #4
        I just spent 3 weeks in NZ on my Christmas break in December. I wish I could have spent a year! I just loved the small town atmosphere there...and talk about roads built for motorcycling! Just remember to stay on the "right" (meaning, of course, the left) side of the road. I was talking with my friend, made a u-turn, and ended up in auto-pilot in the right lane.

        While you're there, don't miss the Glow-worms at Waitomo caves. There are several companies, and no bad tours. It just depends on what you want to do and how dirty you want to get. I did a night-time abseil into a crevasse; once with our helmet lamps on, once with no lights. It was incredible! If you're more for the wet and wild tours, you can go tubing through an underground river by the light of the glow-worms.

        Another of my favorite experiences from that trip was sitting in a freshly mowed field at dusk and hearing something snuffling through the grass. It was a hedgehog! I can't explain it, but it was one of the most memorable experiences of my life...I felt like a little kid again! Just take note that the wild hedgehogs carry a lot of disease, so it's not a great idea to handle them. but the two we saw just went about their business as I snapped photos (with flash) from 2 feet away!

        There's also a place called Castlepoint where you can walk among fossil seashells, up to a lighthouse. The fossils were amazing, but the best part of that day was the cave under the lighthouse. Ask the locals how to get there, and take a flashlight (or torch if you're a Kiwi). I don't know if it was just a matter of the tide being at the right height that day, but every few minutes the other entrance to the cave would be blocked by a wave and the cavern would glow blue! It helped to move in from the mouth of the cave to get out of direct sunlight. Just be careful that there aren't any seals in residence before you disturb them! The locals could probably tell you if there have been any around lately, and more importantly if there are any pups at that time of year. You don't want to get between a mother and her pups.

        Have a blast!
        Jon Groelz

        '82 XJ1100J-John
        '78 XS1100E-Name Forthcoming (It's a Girl!)


        • #5
          My cousin and his wife are there now.... gawd and I have to work!!!!
          That sucks sometimes.
          OK, that sucks all the time.

          If it doesn't have an engine, it's not a sport, it's only a game.
          (stole that one from I-dont-know-who)

