Anybody else notice lately that we're closing in rapidly on 3000 subscribers here on the forum? Seems to be a lot of folks lately with 'gr8' in their handles. You been signing up your cousins, TC?
I find it very gratifying that the forum has attracted this many people since it went live. OTOH, I'm kind of glad that not everyone feels a need to post a note every day.
Who wants to take a guess on the date when we hit the 3000 mark? I have one last prototype 'carb pin removal tool' left, and I offer it as a prize to the person who comes closest. If more than one person nails the correct date, the first post with the correct date gets the tool.
(To be eligible, your guess must be posted as a reply in this thread).
Who is first?

Who wants to take a guess on the date when we hit the 3000 mark? I have one last prototype 'carb pin removal tool' left, and I offer it as a prize to the person who comes closest. If more than one person nails the correct date, the first post with the correct date gets the tool.
(To be eligible, your guess must be posted as a reply in this thread).
Who is first?