Becoming a CSI devotee!
Hey there Gr8tCook,
You need to follow the evidence!
First, thanks for re-using your previous thread (hint, hint for newbies
) ! !
Secondly, Prime doesn't help!
Sorta rules out fuel flow problems since 1 and 4 ARE getting fuel.
Third, restricting air flow on #'s 2 and 3 has NO affect on how it runs, but 1 and 4 will kill it!! Hmmmm, you've found something pertinent!!
Cylinders 2-3 are linked thru both the pickup coils, as well as the Ignition coil! They are not linked with regards to fuel!
You stated that you took off the tank to rewire the headlight! You could have accidentally pulled the connectors for the primary side of the coil loose? You need to pull the plugs and check for SPARK on 2 and 3. IF no spark, then you have to do some more trouble shooting! IF you DO have spark, then follow the fuel, but I'm now betting on electrical!
Hey there Gr8tCook,
You need to follow the evidence!

First, thanks for re-using your previous thread (hint, hint for newbies

Secondly, Prime doesn't help!

Third, restricting air flow on #'s 2 and 3 has NO affect on how it runs, but 1 and 4 will kill it!! Hmmmm, you've found something pertinent!!
Cylinders 2-3 are linked thru both the pickup coils, as well as the Ignition coil! They are not linked with regards to fuel!
You stated that you took off the tank to rewire the headlight! You could have accidentally pulled the connectors for the primary side of the coil loose? You need to pull the plugs and check for SPARK on 2 and 3. IF no spark, then you have to do some more trouble shooting! IF you DO have spark, then follow the fuel, but I'm now betting on electrical!