A number of people have been understandably confused by this but the Classified Ads software http://www.xs11.com/cgi-bin/suite/cl...lassifieds.cgi and the Forum http://www.xs11.com/forum are completely independent of each other.
If you register for the Forum you are NOT automatically registered for the Classified Ads. If you want to use both then you have to go through the registration process for both.
Also, if you registered to use the Classified Ads before June 2002 then you may have to register again because that's when we changed servers and the old registrations were lost in the move.
I'd have to look at the Classified Ads software more closely but I also believe that if you don't post an ad for an extended period it may also un-register you. Sorry but that's the way it is.
If you register for the Forum you are NOT automatically registered for the Classified Ads. If you want to use both then you have to go through the registration process for both.
Also, if you registered to use the Classified Ads before June 2002 then you may have to register again because that's when we changed servers and the old registrations were lost in the move.

I'd have to look at the Classified Ads software more closely but I also believe that if you don't post an ad for an extended period it may also un-register you. Sorry but that's the way it is.