I have this parts bike I got back in the early 90's. I bought it not running and used it for parts for my 78E over the years.
The parts bike is in rough shape, but it has usable parts still left on it. I don't want to take it apart, so who ever wants it, can come and haul it away for a hundred bucks. Not shown in the picture is a front wheel too. If I get a serious buyer, I'll dig the wheel out of my storage shed.
I'm located in the Orange County, CA area.
The parts bike is in rough shape, but it has usable parts still left on it. I don't want to take it apart, so who ever wants it, can come and haul it away for a hundred bucks. Not shown in the picture is a front wheel too. If I get a serious buyer, I'll dig the wheel out of my storage shed.
I'm located in the Orange County, CA area.