these came with a bike i picked up last year from the original owner. he got the patch and the key chains in the early 80s from a dealer. ive never seen one and probably wont ever again. the key chain on the right and the patch have been in a envelope for the last 25+ years on a books shelf. the key chain on the left was on the keys he use on his bike. Free shipping. Paypal only. thanks!
the patch $40 bucks firm, its huge! (or ill put it back in my safe)
used key chain $10 and $20 for the nos key chain
(one side of key chains say XS Eleven and the other side says XS Eleven Special)
the patch $40 bucks firm, its huge! (or ill put it back in my safe)
used key chain $10 and $20 for the nos key chain
(one side of key chains say XS Eleven and the other side says XS Eleven Special)
