This came with the bike I bought. PO said that it quit working so his kid took it apart. Well they ended up buying a 120 speedo and it didn't work either. Thats how it came to me. I pulled the speedo cable out and it was not broke. I taped the speedo cable to the handlebars and went for a ride, no rotate. I pulled the drive off the front wheel and it was definitely trashed.
SO, this poor thing may still work. I don't have to time to see if it can be placed in a different housing so I bought another 160 speedo. Make me an offer. I can spin the input and see parts moving, it may still work.
SO, this poor thing may still work. I don't have to time to see if it can be placed in a different housing so I bought another 160 speedo. Make me an offer. I can spin the input and see parts moving, it may still work.