Still for sale. Hadlebars, midnight tank, Allso have an 1982 complete airbox with black powdercoated sides,Front and back footpeg hardware with the foot satyes all powdercoated. Left and right engine covers podercoated. black Grabbar off a 81 special Powdercoated. Back Brake lever, Swingarm covers.
Engine mounting brackets again all powdercoated.
I will post some pics but not all so email me at
for more or ones i missed.
A set of gold caps for a midnight carbs. 2 brass coated dark to look like gold and 2 stock but not in good shape for the inside hard to see carbs.
The 2 out side caps will make the carbs look like a nice set.I did this to my bike and wow, Nice
And a set of black carb caps ( powdercoted )

Engine mounting brackets again all powdercoated.
I will post some pics but not all so email me at
for more or ones i missed.
A set of gold caps for a midnight carbs. 2 brass coated dark to look like gold and 2 stock but not in good shape for the inside hard to see carbs.
The 2 out side caps will make the carbs look like a nice set.I did this to my bike and wow, Nice
And a set of black carb caps ( powdercoted )
