Pretty much the entire bike is up for sale, albeit dismantled. I will have pictures up soon on photo bucket. The tank, and fenders are primered but the previous owner didn't do very well at that. Still good though and no dents or scratches.
Everything else is there, including 28,000 mile engine, turn signals, fenders, gas tank, wheels, driveshaft, brakes, rear gear, frame, guages, grips, clutch and brake levers, exhaust (a little scratched up but still useable), foot pegs, seat, mirrors, wiring harness, carbs, airbox, kickstand, etc.
If you are interested in ANYTHING let me know and I will get you a price and/or pictures asap or just make an offer.
Everything else is there, including 28,000 mile engine, turn signals, fenders, gas tank, wheels, driveshaft, brakes, rear gear, frame, guages, grips, clutch and brake levers, exhaust (a little scratched up but still useable), foot pegs, seat, mirrors, wiring harness, carbs, airbox, kickstand, etc.
If you are interested in ANYTHING let me know and I will get you a price and/or pictures asap or just make an offer.