This bike was originally listed as a 1983 XS1100. Error has been corrected.
Almost completely original, has wrong bags. Seat has been nicely recovered. Exhaust (headers) appear rusted. Bike is not running. I see a lot of things needing to be done and likely needs a lot done that you cannot see in the pix.
Asking too much for condition. Could be made into a nice original if the selling price was a little more realistic.
This bike was originally listed as a 1983 XS1100. Error has been corrected.
Almost completely original, has wrong bags. Seat has been nicely recovered. Exhaust (headers) appear rusted. Bike is not running. I see a lot of things needing to be done and likely needs a lot done that you cannot see in the pix.
Asking too much for condition. Could be made into a nice original if the selling price was a little more realistic.