This is my bike. I had it running perfectly but it sat for a few weeks and when I rode it again yesterday I have a flat spot around 4000 RPM. Dunno if I messed the idle mixture screws up or if the fuel filter is clogged but the idle used to be great now it pops and idles high. I checked for loose headers and vacuum lines but didn'tfind anything. I have 2 jobs and a new baby and 3 cars to maintain so I'm honestly about sick of working on anything and am ready to sell it. We are planning on moving out of state over Summer and I don't know if I'd be able to take it anyway. If I don't sell it then that's fine I guess, I'll just slowly get around to fixing the minor problems slowly and ride it when I can, I just hate to see it sit most of the time.
This is my bike. I had it running perfectly but it sat for a few weeks and when I rode it again yesterday I have a flat spot around 4000 RPM. Dunno if I messed the idle mixture screws up or if the fuel filter is clogged but the idle used to be great now it pops and idles high. I checked for loose headers and vacuum lines but didn'tfind anything. I have 2 jobs and a new baby and 3 cars to maintain so I'm honestly about sick of working on anything and am ready to sell it. We are planning on moving out of state over Summer and I don't know if I'd be able to take it anyway. If I don't sell it then that's fine I guess, I'll just slowly get around to fixing the minor problems slowly and ride it when I can, I just hate to see it sit most of the time.