I have an 80G for sale. It's not the best looking bike but seems to run strong. I have not had this bike for very long. I picked it up as a parts bike but it was asking to be put back on the road. I have cleaned and synced the carbs. The tires are old and will need to be replaced. I have not checked the valve clearances. I will be getting a Utah State Inspection in the morning and it does have a clean UT title. It currently has a 4 into 1 exhaust, special handle bars, special seat, standard tank and a windjammer. It does come with side covers but they are not in the best shape. For members only I’m asking $1000 O.B.O.
(Picture will be coming in the morning)
P.M. me if interested.
(Picture will be coming in the morning)
P.M. me if interested.