Complete bike except for side bags. Has Samsonite hard trunk / backrest with round key.
Purchased 03/99, been garage stored since 2000. 23,000 miles, maroon with windshield and fairing, gas gauge, highway pegs, gas tank coated inside, turn-out(down) mufflers.
Needs : Front brake master-cylinder, battery, tires, carbs cleaned, tuneup, a good home.
Clean title.
Can deliver within 100 miles of Elgin, Illinois.
$550 or best offer.
Purchased 03/99, been garage stored since 2000. 23,000 miles, maroon with windshield and fairing, gas gauge, highway pegs, gas tank coated inside, turn-out(down) mufflers.
Needs : Front brake master-cylinder, battery, tires, carbs cleaned, tuneup, a good home.
Clean title.
Can deliver within 100 miles of Elgin, Illinois.
$550 or best offer.